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Before leaving the library, I went to look for some books concerning the war and the gem.

Davien saw me looking for such books and told me he was intrigued by it as well, and that he has books written by humans back in the Sinsters' Spells' Kingdom.

Nevertheless, I took a couple of books I haven't looked through and stayed up all night trying to find something about it that I don't know.

As vampires we didn't necessarily need sleep, but well did it to pass some time, so that wasn't an issue for me.

I flipped through the pages finding nothing more than the already known stuff.

However what I did find out was that Humans originally ruled all the 5 kingdoms before it was destroyed by the creatures. But I didn't know why.

I contemplated asking my father but knew that he would just tell me to stay out of it like he always did.

My father wasn't always too lenient on us, but could lash out on anyone. Unlike my mother who would calm him down. The contradiction present between them made it harder on them to live together sometimes, but they always managed to solve it out.

Anyway, what I know so far about this was is that it started over a gem, between the five kingdoms, humans originally ruled them actually, and that the gem was destroyed by the Angel. Maybe he has the answers to all my questions.

After that, I headed to my room to pack my things for tomorrow's trip. I'm very picky when it comes to my things, and I like everything to be with me. I packed undergarments, several shirts and pants, a scarf in case of the storm returning, some perfume and deodorant, and other essentials.

I've never been outside our kingdom and found it rather exciting to explore other lands. New things always intrigued me, and who knows what those lands have in store for me.

Our lands were almost barren, the trees tall but dark and lifeless, the skies always gloomy and a bit cloudy. The sun usually weakened more than killed us. It never really caused real harm unless a vampire was exposed to sunlight for a very long time, hence our pale skin. Of course rather than the different blood that runs in our bodies.

As an individual of higher power, the royals needed more strength and tolerance to endure everything as much as they could, including sunlight. I may have more tolerance to sunlight however I am still as much affected.

I made sure all my things were with me and that I was ready to go on board.
Breakfast went out like a blast, everyone was quieter than usual for some reason. I met up with Jace, my brother to sort out the training schedules for the upcoming days while I'm gone.

After that I met with the men for my last training for some while and announced that news.

I made sure everything was stable and in place. Knowing myself I'd worry every bit about everything going on.

"Princess, the King and Queen wanted to meet with you before your departure." A servant informed me as I was entering the castle.

Well guess they want to meet up after all.

I made my way to my father's study to find them both tense and my mother nervous. Even I could feel the elephant in the room, there's no way to hide that.

"You called for me, father, mother" I politely bowed for them as I neared the desk.

"Yes my dear Eve, we wanted to talk to you before you go." My mother approached me placing one of her hands on my cheek and the other on my arm.

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