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Another day in the Fangs' kingdom, waking up for the usual dark clouds that take over our lands. I got up in the early morning like I always do getting ready for breakfast.

Being late for a meal would only mean that you broke one of our family's essential rules; once a meal is served all should be present. It's how my father likes us to be gathered up around him, and I wouldn't want to upset him or my mother.

I took one last glance in the mirror after smoothing my hair back in a ponytail with my painted black nails. I got out of my room locking it behind me as I continued my way down to the dining room.

"Eve wait up!" I turned around at the calling of my name from a very familiar voice which I directly knew who it belonged to.

"Yes sister?" I turned around with a soft look on my face

"Eve please don't bring it up...I'll make it up for you just don't say anything for dad, please?" She said with tension visible between her blonde brows as she fiddled with her fingers.

"Of course Dawn why would I I'm not that evil sissy" a mischievous smirk forming on my face

"Don't play with me now I really can't" she looked sideways before leaning in and whispering lowly "I can't let them know that I took their favorite painting and ruined it!"

I couldn't help my laugh that burst out of my mouth

"Don't worry D, I'll fix that up for you" I turned around and continued shaking my head at her silliness.

I entered the dining room with Dawn hot on my heels as breakfast was about to be served.

"Oh good morning Evelyne, how was your late night training yesterday?" my father curiously asked as I sat on his right.

"It was great, had them moving some muscles before sunrise" I said taking a sip of the blood in my cup

"Let them rest before you proceed at dusk, the army should be healthy, well rested and prepared for anything." He explained further giving my brother a side glare.

My brother and father didn't have quite the relationship after my brother gave up his turn of taking the throne leaving me the next heir.

"So I heard that the wizards are facing problems with their land and they are seeking our help. Is that true father?" I tried to ease down the tension that was starting to build up.

"Ah yes I forgot to tell you. Merlin Spells is heading over tomorrow morning. He said that they're sensing some human traces deep in the woods." He said before continuing his meal.

"That's strange. How is that even possible?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows as I continue as well.

"I don't know but hopefully we'll know more tomorrow." He said before silence took over the table and everyone continued their breakfast in silence.

An hour later I was back in my room looking through the schedule of my week and sighed. For some reason father has wanted the troops to be more trained and I didn't know why that was. But I couldn't tell him no, so I had to have them as well prepared as he wants them to be.

I decided to go out with Mavis to take my mind off the training I have to live again just in a bit. Mavis was almost the only person I conversed with outside the castle that I didn't have "royal duties" with. She was simply my black haired, tanned, freckled friend that opposed me in almost every way.

"When did you cut your hair again?" I ask raising my eyebrows as I take a bite from the apple tart we just bought.

"Well, long story short, I felt like trying a change and said why not! So yeah it ended up shorter than I planned but oh well I like it!" She said with the enthusiasm that never leaves her with a shrug in the end.

"Yeah I guess" I give her a small shrug of my own and I glance around the town.

It had been long since I paid attention to everything that has been happening here that I nearly forgot where everything was. Nearly.

"So what leaves you sounding so tired today?" She asked with genuine concern laced in her voice

"Meh it's nothing just good old training. It's been boring lately repeating the same things over again. And better yet we're meeting with the witches tomorrow" I rolled my eyes as I let out a loud sigh

"Well what if this visit turn out good, who knows you might meet your prince charming, or maybe even your soul mate. Don't be such a downsie Evelyne" she winked at my exasperated glare and let out a chuckle.

"Sure I'll go flying into his arms and shower him with love and care" I mockingly put my hand over my heart. I stopped in front of an art store and contemplated walking in or not. "Well I have to get something instead of what my sister ruined" I sighed as I went in, asking the painter for a customized painting identical for the one my parents had.
I couldn't wait for the day to be over already.

And like that, just as the sun set in her blue blanket and the moon rose timidly in the sky, the troops were all gathered around the training field.

And that went out well, just like the previous one did.

"Listen up, tomorrow's training has been cancelled due to last minute issues. However everything after tomorrow will proceed as usual. Have a good night's sleep and rest well. Thank you" I announce before going back to my room and preparing myself to meet Merlin Spells again and sort his things out.

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