Chapter 54: Cake And Visits To The Past

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Song: Heavy - Linkin Park ft Kiiara

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Hope's POV:

This hasn't been edited I'll go back and do it. I've been busy and haven't had time. Don't hate on me.

Enjoy x

I sat in a small coffee shop consisting of a few others; Nieta and Amanda.

Amanda and Nieta were both hitting it off well, talking about fandoms and different kinds of animals. Since Amanda worked at a animal shelter and Nieta adored animals, they seemed to like each other just fine.

"I got a litter of 11 Douge De-Bordeaux puppies which is phenomenal since those kinds of dogs only really breed about 8 or so and they're an extremely expensive breed. Some puppies can range up to 1200 dollars." Amanda babbled on happily as Nieta sat there, wide eyes and a large smile.

"That's amazing! I'll have to come by and meet some of them." She grinned.

"That's the hard part, meeting them. Once you take one look and they know you've seen them, that's when the whimpers come in and the guilty faces. They liked to weaken their 'prey' and make you feel like crap for not taking them home."

Amanda then leant in and whispered.

"It's what they do best."

Nieta started to laugh along with Amanda and I smiled. I was glad that I didn't have to do too much talking.

"So Hope, you have any gossip?" Nieta asked.

Well I thought too soon.

"Um, not really." I said as politely as I could.

"Just drinking some good coffee." I said, holding up my drink and smiling.

"Yeah. It's pretty good actually." Nieta agreed.

This was the same coffee shop both Rachel and I came to after our walk a while ago.

I smiled at the memories.

"How's Chance? How family? How's life?" Nieta asked all at once all too quickly.

The mention of family and life sent my stomach into a turmoil of nausea and I gulped, clamping down on my tongue to prevent any kind of work vomit to escape my mouth.

"I-uh." I began but Amanda saved me.

"She doesn't like to talk about her family. Ask about her cat." She smiled and Nieta instantly looked guilty.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't meant to intrude or offend-."

"It's fine." I waved, giving her a comforting smile.

"Well... how's your cat?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as I began to laugh.

"Hey I'll be right out, I just need to grab a few things." I said, hopping out of my car and walking to my apartment.

Once I was inside I breathed in the familiar smell and sighed. It had been a while since I had even been here and to be honest, I kind of missed it.

But Chance's house felt more like home than my own apartment.

"What do I need to get?" I asked myself, tapping my chin. I felt like a sim, walking into my house and instantly forgetting what I needed to do.

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