Part 7

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"Sanskar, will you ask your Di too hear our case, after that she can decide whatever she want. We will wait in Delhi for one more day. Please give this letter and court order to her. Please inform her its not case what she thinking" Swara requested keeping her ego away while giving the letter to Sanskar.
Raizadas and Mathur left Jungle Woods with ditched face. Where as Maheshwari family went back to their past.  Every pain they gone through without their mistakes. Their parents separated each other and separated siblings in the name of ego. This is the story of every house where parents fails in their marriage life and end up in court. After that what those kids gone through? who care?? They are kids after all. But they forgets those kids also have heart which also beats.

Khushi looked at the envelop on the table, which Sanskar kept few hours before after saying Raizada and family left in between their breakfast. Her words against Raizada filled her ears. She was tried to avoid the fight but her past rush into her in a such a force which made her break every control and shouted at him. Not even care to knew the full matter. She took the envelope and open it to read what stored in it. First legal order give her view of the case but the letter show her the real matter. Which give shock and realisation. The letter dropped from her hand, she took the near table to be stable but the guilt and the little doll face start to kill her.

She looked at letter, then at mirror which showing her image.

"Why are you waiting, now. Its your chance to rectify your mistake"  Mirror image said.
She changed her dress into formal shirt with knee length formal skirt. Took her car keys and letter and legal notice and letter kept it safely. Mind filled with decision and plan.

"Sanky,  come with me. I have to meet them" Khushi said while moving down followed by her brother.

"But so of sudden Di??"

"I want you to trust me, will you. Don't ask and Don't disclose"

"I am not getting anything Di."

"Sanky, with time you will get know but you just keep your mouth shut, don't disclose anything in shock. Will you" Khushi said while starting the car. Sanskar just nodded while putting seat belt. He know something is there, its not simple matter as its look.

"Blue Moon" Sanskar read out the familiar 5 star hotel name while unpluging the belt.

"What we are doing here?? What's going on?" First Raizada and that chipkali visit at home, your mood down then cancellation of every plan and then drive to here" blabbering Sanskar come out followed by his Di who give keys to barrier to park.

"Sanky, last life you were a girl or what? How can you talk this much bro. Now stop talking  and follow me" Taunted Khushi.

"Excuse me ma'am, how can we help you". Receptionist Enquired.

"Want to meet Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada" Informed Khushi.

"Did you have appointment to meet him"
"Actually, its urgent matter"

"He is VVIP customer, we can't let anyone meet him without his approval" Informed Receptionist.

"Look, I am his childhood friend. Just want to meet him and give him a surprise " Khushi Informed as she don't want to wait for his approval. May he can deny her because of morning fight.

"We can't break the rules for any one, who just walk in"

"If your MD say so, I think then you can permit us" Enquired Sanskar.

"why you are wasting our time, even MD won't give into any request against the rules and policy.

"I can amend the rule, if the opposite person is also very very important person as well as most respective person in society." A voice come on perfect time, the voice of MD.

"We are sorry for the inconvenient caused by us, just register yourself, I myself take you till Mr Raizada's room. Its our pleasure to meet you both personally."

"Its rules and I could like to follow too but Today, meeting with Raizada is so important than following any rules. " Khushi replied.

"We can understand that Ma'am. if you just called me instead of our boss, the matter could remain in this hotel now I am answerable to boss regarding the matter."

"Don't worry Manager, we give postive response to your boss. Its your Receptionist attitude filled words made me to call your boss who is one of my friend's Dad."
Sanskar Informed while glaring at the Receptionist who behaved rudely with his sister.

"Sorry once again Sir, come with me." MD took the other vvip guests to Raizada's room, so that he, himself can inform the Raizada about Miss K Maheshwari visit to meet him.

The elevator, bling at 10th floor and door opened the view of royal interior designed floor with parallel rooms.  Khushi nervously looked at door to open. Her mind filled with words which she used against them, especially against her love.

They looked at figure, who opened the door. Swara looked at the three figures.

"Hello ma'am, actually Advocate ma'am here to meet you all. Thats why I guide them here before informing you about it"

Love You

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