Part 19

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Verma: Miss Happiness, you have any objection.??

Khushi: Yes your honour.

Verma: Proceed..

Khushi: Before proceeding I need father and mother of Miss Parisha at trail boxes.

clerk called Mrs Lavanya Miraj Malhotra on the trail box and made her say the oath.

Khushi: Your honour, before taking any decision for uncertain future we have to look at past.

" Objection your honour, I think my dear opposition was absent mind when her client agree to past happened" Mr Bhatt declared.

"I Am not saying any objection on my client words I am just saying to look at past thats all your honour"
"Please proceed Miss Happiness"
Khushi: You had Love marriage or arrange With Arnav, Lavanya???

Bhatt : What a silly question Happiness, your client himself agreed he had love for someone else.

Khushi: No, Mr Bhatt. He said he is in love with someone else since long and Right now I am asking this question to your client not mine so her answer may change, what you think Mrs Malhotra.

Lavanya: It was arrange marriage, I married him because of my family

Khushi: What are the quality you find in him so you agreed to that marriage without meeting him personally.

Lavanya: My mom dad asked me to marry him.

Khushi: Please note the point your honour she was so obedient child of her parents who agreed to marry a person without met him before marriage.

Bhatt: Khushi, what you are trying to prove.

Khushi: I am just trying to prove an obedient kid of her parents who end up in extra marital affair with someone through social media.

Ram: Objection your honour, She is questioning my client character.

Khushi: If questioning on character of client is prohibited in family court then whatever Mr Bhatt proved on my client character before some minutes should be nullify your honour.

Khushi smart words shut Mr. Bhatt. Aman looked at his childhood friend with amzed expression. Arnav  and family got some relief.

Verma: You want to say anything Mr Bhatt..

Ram: NO Your honour.

verma: Please proceed Happiness. You have any proof for this allegation.

Khushi:  Yes your honour,  there was blog before 5 years. blog called Butterfly and Bee where mostly thoughts revolve around for love and its online chat is a way of counciling to help couples to sort out their problem. Where Lavanya met her current husband Mr. Miraj Malhotra. After that friendship then to love and all those happened when she was married to Arnav.
Each and every deatils of the same is attached, your honour.

Khushi: Your divorce case mainly pointed two point first is your husband love life and then rape?? Right Lavanya.

Lavanya: Yes..

Khushi: But you also had extra marital affair with Miraj on those days, if I am not wrong. I think I already submit the proof for the same. You can check That Mr Bhatt. In that way both did same mistake your honour, where one was in one side love other hand wife had a extra marital affair with online guy. Please note that. So tell me Lavanya did you guys consummated your married life in every way at start only.

Lavanya: Yes.

Khushi: Okay, I want Answer from both Arnav and lavanya, did Arnav force you in physical relation always and physically hurt you ever ??

Arnav/ Lavany: No.

Khushi: Note the point your honour, A person who never forced his wife and never hurt her physically. Why did forced her  so of sudden?? There is something we are missing here.

My client forced his wife in his drunken state, because my client came to know about his wife extra marital affair and broken with the news and end up in doing so. I am here not supporting him for forcing a women but I just trying to prove his side of the situation.

Moreover My friend Mr Bhatt put the point of if my cilent drink again and lost The control then what?? so here is a doctor certificate where clearly mentioned his blood not having any alcoholic substance which meants he never touch alcohol in this 5 years and it clearly mentioned in deatils" Khushi submitted another proof.

Arnav remember the medical test he did as the start as requested by Khushi. His loosing strength start to re gain.

Khushi : Your divorce paper and your lawyer declared Mr Arnav Singh Raizada made deal with you for the divorce. Is that true??

Lavanya: Yes. He not gave me any choice, then giving my dear little angel to him.

Khushi: If you loved your baby then why don't you scarifies your love for your daughter. Why you choose your online boy friend over your daughter. Why you scarifies your motherly role for girlfriend role.??

Lavanya: Because, it was impossible to live a love less life. Today I want my baby back as I dont trust him. He may move on with someone and orphan my baby.

Khushi: Did you ever try to met your daughter. I think you have the only memory of her little face who was in your arms and having your motherly milk. Am I right.??  Mr Arnav Singh Raizada mercilessly snatch your baby girl from you, am I right??

Khushi question shocked Arnav and family along with Lavanya and Bhatt. As her question in favour of opposit side.

Lavanya: Yes, I only have that memory of my baby.

Khushi smirked little and move towards her table and took something from her file.

Khushi: See your daughter Lavanya. You may wish to see her.
Lavanya confusedly took the picture but its turn to more than 5 pics  and faces of babies are different she gone through the pictures several times..

Ram: Objection your honour, I think she is wasting time of others.

Khushi: Only you can say that Mr.Bhatt. I gave a mother a picture of her daughter. Is that wrong to You.??

Bhatt: There are pictures of different babies your honour.

Khushi: And a mother taking too much time to identify her own baby. Your client is searching her baby in those pictures in which none belongs to Parisha.

Bhatt: your honour, I think my dear Happiness proving some illogical thing in the court. Moreover how can my client identify her baby face which she hardly saw once that also 5 years back.

Khushi: Your honour, there was case where a mother filed case against doctor for hiding her real baby and made her belive she gave birth to a dead baby. We well know the case and its end. A mother won that case and she got her baby back and doctor is in prison.

Bhatt: Agree, but every mother not be same as we know.

KHUSHI: THEN HOW CAN YOU POINTED THE SINFUL WORDS TO MY CLIENT. IF ALL MOTHER ARE NOT SAME THEN HOW ALL FATHER CAN BE SAME AND USE HIS OWN DAUGHTER. At end Khushi stamped her plam on her table. Her anger  clearly reflecting in her red eyes. She was silent that time but now the anger is surfacing her eyes. She is smart enough to use her emotion in right place. Her anger even made Bhatt to take two steps back.

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