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Zoya was interrupted by a knock on her office door, as she examined Aditya's reports.

"Come in!" She yelled.

"Hi..um...Dr. Maya?"

Zoya stopped looking through her paperwork as she heard the familiar voice and looked up at the door to see Noor standing there.

"Oh hello...Noor!" She smiled, trying to contain her happiness in.

"I just wanted to talk to you for a minute. I know this is super weird and you're probably so busy, I'm so sorry..."

"Is it about Aditya? Because rest assured we are doing everyth—"

"No, I wanted to talk about you. Ummm I know this sounds so weird but can you tell me where you're from? It's just...your resemblance to my sister is uncanny and I really don't buy that doppelganger shit."

Zoya chuckled "And you think I am your sister's long lost twin?"

Noor looked at her in confusion "I don't think Dr.Maya. I know. I know you have some connection to me. It's just every time you're around I feel reassured, the same way I felt with appi." She blurted out.

"I know this sounds stupid, I'm sorry for wasting your time."

"No! Noor, please...have a seat. We can talk, I'm due for lunch break anyways."  Zoya said, feeling a bit selfish today at the thought of catching up with her little one after a long time.

Noor grinned as Zoya offered her a seat and poured some coffee for the both of them.

"Dr.Maya, I can't thank you enough for what you've been doing for jeeju...I mean Aditya! Arjun told me he thinks you're my sister and heck! Even I would too! Appi's death left him so devastated. But it broke a part of all of us..." Noor began narrating.

"Zoya must've been very lucky. You all loved her so much." Zoya said as she felt emotional hiding her truth from her baby sister.

"We always will." Noor smiled. "You know my sister was a brave one. She didn't listen to anyone. She fought all her troubles on her own without letting anyone know. She was Aditya's strength but the night she died, they had a horrible misunderstanding and Aditya made her leave. That's why I think he's paying for it in regret until now. But you know I still believe Aditya isn't the one suffering the most. It's my dad. Appi and had left home and married Aditya without his blessing and he wouldn't even talk to her. He believes that she was too scared to come home and hence he was responsible for the accident. Sometimes, I, even believe we all failed my sister. No one made her feel as if she had a home to call her own. First abbu threw her out, then Aditya. But since the day she passed, Abbu hasn't even smiled. He has lived every day in regret. Even ammi tried to console him but he has to live with the fact that he never mended relations with Zoya before she died."

Zoya had already began tearing up at her revelation. After leaving India, she tried to keep her thoughts about her family to a minimum. She thought thinking that she died would be better than them ever finding her in the state she suffered in. But after Noor's revelation she couldn't help but wonder if she made a horrible mistake? Aside from Aditya, her family must've been pining for her. And her dad? They never even got a chance to fix their relationship.

"I'm sorry I'm going on and on...I just miss my sister so much and being around you makes me feel as if I've got her back." Noor said while wiping her tears from her cheeks.

Zoya reached over to her and engulfed her in a hug.

"I don't have a sister either, but will you be little sister, Noor?" She couldn't help but feel greedy at the chance to have just one relation back to normal. She knew she shouldn't have. She needed to keep everyone away from her but after knowing the state Noor and her family was in because of her death she couldn't help herself from wanting a piece of her past back. Even if meant walking on thin ice around them.

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