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6 Years Later

Aditya entered his home, taking off his the hat of his pilot uniform and immediately saw flock of children running in his direction.

"Papa! Papa!" The girls yelled. He smiled as he bent down and picked up a small 6-year old Aadhya and an even tinier 4-year old Zara in each arm.

"Papa, we miss you SHOOO MUCH!" Zara yelled as she was barely able to put the words together. His heart warmed seeing his youngest baby now fully forming sentences. He tried to diplomatic about it, but he knew he was his daughters' favorite, and even Zoya seemed to be completely surprisingly okay with that.

"Papa missed you so much too, Zara!" He said, placing a delicate kiss on her cheek and then turned to Aadhya in his arms, doing the same. She giggled as she squinted her eyes shut and rubbed her cheek. "No papa. It tickles." She said whilst giggling and feeling his prickly stubble against her face. Aadhya and Zara both wrapped their arms around their father as they each placed a kiss on either side of his cheek. They loved him more than anything and it was always miserable when he left for work. Aditya wasn't sure if he cried more or they did when they separated but each time coming home to them, the smile wouldn't leave his face.

"Chachu! Chachu!" A voice brought him out of his thoughts. He looked down and saw Ayaan tugging at him.

Ayaan was Noor and Arjun's 4-year-old son. But much like their own children to Zoya and Aditya. Ayaan being the same age as Zara meant Zoya and Noor got to experience their second and first pregnancy together. Though they had a blast, the Hooda mansion went insane with two pregnant ladies and Arjun and Aditya couldn't have been happier when their children were born, putting them out of their misery.

Aditya smiled as he put his daughters down, and lowered his height to his nephew's.

"Chachu, did you forgot your promise?" He asked, crossing his arms together and pouting. "What promise?" Aditya said while imitating a thinking position, pretending as if he didn't know.

"Papa, this isn't fair!" Aadil yelled coming into the living room, supporting his little brother.

Aditya looked up at his eldest child walking into the room. He was the exact carbon copy of himself, looks and personality wise. Aadil and Ayaan really made him remember his childhood with Arjun growing up, both their sons were exact replicas of themselves. Aadil was loud, rambunctious and rebellious, always fighting for what he wanted and Ayaan was quieter but more understanding. It was amazing how their personalities shined through even though they were so little.

"You promised Ayaan and I that you were gonna get us chocolates from Switzerland, papa!" Aadil said looking at his father.

"Well hello to you to there, son!" Aditya chuckled. Aadil pouted as he looked as his dad, but his expression soon changed into a smile as he saw his dad grab a stack of chocolate bars from his pocket and stoop down to their height, giving them it. "Just kidding, papa! You're the best!" Aadil said as he and Ayaan sprinted to grab their gifts.

"Thank you chachu!" Ayaan smiled. "Did you get to see the mountains in Switzerland? My teacher said they're really tall!"

"Of course, I did, Ayaan! They were this tall!" He said as he grabbed his nephew and flung him high in the air, holding onto him as all the kids watched in amazement and Ayaan giggled at the feeling of being elevated.

"JANAAB ADITYA HOODA!" A voice they all knew too well screamed.

Aditya rolled his eyes as he heard his wife's threatening tone.

"Aimak hai aap? I've never met such a kamzarf person like you, I told you a million times not to throw them in the air like that but yo—"

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