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As soon as Zoya woke up, she tried to move but failed miserably courtesy of a set of strong arms that captured her. She smiled as she lazily began to open her eyes and stretch her arms out. She looked up from her position and saw his five o'clock shadow accompany the rest of his face. She could definitely get used to this!

She began admiring unaware of the fleeting time and lay comfortably in his arms drawing circles on his bare chest. He had given her his shirt in the night as she was uncomfortable in the wintertime cold and had no other clothes at his home. She chuckled as he claimed he was too lazy to find his pajamas and fell asleep bare-chested. And oh boy! She definitely did not mind. Cuddling up and snuggling in his his warm embrace was akin to heaven for her. And she couldn't bring herself to admit, she secretly drooled over his body. Her fingers began roaming over his chest and stopped as she felt a rough, jagged texture. The wound was fairly fresh and she knew it must've been from when his shock treatment was administered without anesthesia by Sahir. She still trembled in fear thinking what would have happened had she arrived a minute later. She would have lived her whole life without knowing how much this man truly loved and cherished her. A life in which she would never find true happiness.

She couldn't help but place an endearing kiss over it, reassuring herself that she would never allow him to suffer like that again. They both had been through so much together and without each other, their suffering was tenfold worse. Aditya had this weird superpower within him, an aura almost that no matter what was happening, even if the earth was shaking, Zoya would still feel safe by his side. She thought she knew the meaning of companionship when she married Yash, but how wrong was she! True companionship is what Aditya and her experienced. She thought over when he braved all odds and confessed his love to her unabashedly in front of everyone. He was definitely a keeper back then and he always will be.

Aditya was awakened by the feeling of soft, plump lips touching various spot on his face. He smiled as he realized it was his Zoya kissing him all over. He had been sleeping so lonely the past year that he had failed to realize how much he needed her. He grinned as he opened his eyes and placed both arms around her waist, as she lay on top of him smiling.

"Good morning baby, I could really end up being a morning person if you wake me up this sweetly every day. " He said before pouting his lips forward in attempt to capture hers.

He was halted as she placed a hand over his mouth.

"ah-ah!" She protested. "Janaab Aditya Hooda! Brush your teeth first!" She said while sticking her tongue out at him.

He chuckled as he began setting a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Sorry baby, I know you must not have slept well last night. The heater seems to be down in my room." He whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Last night, I actually got the best sleep of my entire life." She said while cupping his face with her hand.

He smiled as she said that. Every time she responded happily to his love, he felt his heart swell with pride and this time was no less. For a second, he couldn't even believe she was here in his arms. It all felt too magical to be true. He touched her face, reassuring himself that she was real.

She took advantage of his loosening hold on her and slipped away from his arms. His face dropped and he pouted like a baby being denied his favorite candy. He whimpered as she pointed to his heart and began feigning a cry.

"oh and Aditya..." she said before leaving to the shower. "When you're near me, I get hot need for a heater." She whispered seductively before running into the bathroom leaving him shocked at her boldness.

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