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A/N: Early update today, because I'm on bedrest for an infection and I'm bored out of my mind! Also regarding this story, the next 2-4 chapters are going to be about Zoya's struggles to build a good life with Aditya after being raped. If you aren't comfortable with reading about that stuff, I understand. Just a heads up though. Not really sure how I feel about this chapter. I suck at romantic scenes tbh.

"Aditya...yeh kya bachpana hai?" Zoya questioned as Aditya blindfolded her eyes and led her to the balcony.

As he slowly removed the silk cloth from her eyes, she was astonished to see the sight in front of her. There was a walkway leading to the pool decorated with rose petals and candles. A table under a canopy glistening with lights in the beautiful background of nightfall and a small candle upon the table.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt Aditya's hands besides her shoulders.

"Surprise!" He whispered into her ear, sending tingles down her spine.

"Aditya! This is so beautiful!" She said, grinning widely like a child who had gotten their favorite chocolate.

"tumse kam..." He muttered as she rolled her eyes at his romantic words.

Before she could protest, he spun her around and music began playing. She looked around, a bit taken back, unable to tell where the origin of it was from but softly smiled as she realized it was the instrumental tune of Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, their favorite movie. She smiled as she placed her hand around him and he, in turn, places his hands on her waist. He thought back to the first time they had danced together at the rehearsal for his parents' anniversary and how jealous he was of the choreographer's hands on Zoya. He started chuckling thinking back to it.

"What's so funny?" Zoya asked, smiling at him while they both slowly kept swaying to the rhythm in the background.

"I was just reminded of the first time we danced together...remember...teraaa hone laga hoon..." He sung.

She chuckled and brought a hand, cupping his face.

"You're so cuteee." She whispered, as she began pulling his cheek.

"Zoya...stop, I'm not a child." He laughed.

"Didn't you say you were my baby earlier?" She pouted as she looked up to him with her puppy-dog eyes. The same expression she knew could get her whatever she wanted, in a split second.

He looked back at her pouting, mimicking her expression. "Stopppp with those eyes."

She laughed at his response. After some time, the music had stopped but they still remained in each other's arms. Zoya placed both palms on his chest and rested her head over it, looking sideways, as Aditya rested his chin on top of her head, while keeping a hold on her. As her grip increased, she thought just how much she loved their height difference. It was like in his arms, all her unhappiness, all her problems just submerged. When she was wrapped in his arms, it felt like not a thing in this world could disturb her peace. He was just hers to cherish and love.

"Baby, I don't mind the sudden outburst love...but I'm starving..." He said while she released herself.

He pulled out a chair for her and allowed her to sit before moving to his side. He had prepared her favorite noodles..." their thing", as he called it. She took a bite and he waited for her verdict with his face resting on his palm, staring at her cute little antics. She hesitantly thought for a second while chewing and then her facial expression gave it away how delicious she found it. He was foolish to think she'd ever say otherwise, he could literally feed her a plate of burnt food and she would still find it tasty. That's what love does to you.

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