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Aditya took a swing at the punching bag in front of him. He was mad at himself, he was mad at the world and he was mad at her. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, his biceps and his perfectly sculpted abs. He felt his heartbeat increase rapidly as he fueled all of his anger into the next punch, each harder than the previous.

He felt like such a fool. He should've been feeling guilty after those intimate moments with Maya, but he didn't. He felt oddly satisfied. As if that kiss was the release he had been waiting for in the last two years. It was then he took it upon himself to do some research on this mystery named Dr. Maya Mehrotra. It was one thing to have an uncanny resemblance to someone, but another to embody their exact same personality and have the exact same build. He knew she was not who she said she was. Something was amiss.

After confirming with Noor, that she never told Maya he was from Mumbai, his suspicions heightened. The final straw was when he found Maya's profile on the university's website. She studied in Mussoorie. He knew something was deathly wrong in that moment. He tried every possible way to counteract what his brain was telling him. But the reality was, every clue led to one conclusion: she was in fact Zoya. A million thoughts crossed his mind. He remembered how he failed to pick up on so many clues, the random Urdu taunts, the fact that she was wearing contact lenses, she was lying about where she was from. At first he wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she just coincidentally happened to have all these characteristics as his Zoya did. But any sane person could deviate who she was by now. He just needed one final confirmation.

And he was angry like no hell. If she was in fact his Zoya, why did she hide from him? Why did she let him suffer for a whole year thinking that she was dead? It was justified if she was mad at him but why would she do that to her family? And why was she marrying Sahir when she was still in fact his wife?

Nothing made sense to him. In fact it fueled his anger to the point of no return. What if his Zoya was really betraying him by faking her identity all along? Sanely, no doctor would've given him the special treatment that she did. He took another swing at the punching bag furious at his inability to recognize all of the signs.


Zoya had prepared Sahir's favorite dinner tonight and even dressed up nicely for him. The guilt of getting so physical with Aditya was eating her alive and in turn she was overcompensating. Sahir even noticed but chose to bask in the glory of his soon-to-be wife's pampering of him. He was rather shocked when she showered him with hugs and cuddled up into him on the couch while they were watching a movie together. He was truly happy. Maybe he had underestimated her ability to move on in Aditya's presence. Her behavior warmed his ice cold heart and he couldn't wait to have her in his arms for the rest of his life.

Zoya tried hard to convince her heart to steer itself in Sahir's direction. The overwhelming need to give Sahir more love than Aditya was ever-present in her heart. She couldn't be this foolish again. And Sahir had done so much for her. He was her messiah. What had Aditya ever done besides break her heart over and over again? She needed to be smart this time. She was choosing her sanity, her stability and her confidante this time. Love and fairytale romances be damned. Love was never enough to sustain a marriage and she knew that darn well by now. The price to pay for bepannaah mohobbat was too hefty and she did not have the capacity for it anymore.

The day after tomorrow was her nikkah and she said a silent prayer to Allah asking for his blessings and protecting their nuptials. She had a horrible gut feeling something was about to go extremely wrong and she could not bear that. Not on the day she is supposed to finally close the chapter of her past.

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