all is well that ends well.

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"He's dead." He blurted out, unable to read the expression on her face. Aditya knew that despite Sahir being so evil to him, he was the man who saved Zoya. He wondered if she felt any remorse for him.

"He got killed in a shootout with police last night. I know you must be hurting Zoya I understand what he meant to you—"

Zoya scrunched her nose in confusion. "Understand what he meant to me? Aditya, you do realize Sahir is a psychopath? He selfishly tried to use the fact that he saved me to pressurize me into loving him? As a doctor, he hurt you when you weren't even in your right senses? Aditya, I can never forget that look on your face after the shock treatment. The way your eyes were so blank for being punished for something you didn't even do!" She held back her tears as her lips quivered. "And it just got worse after that, he tried hurting you every step of the way. He threw thorns in our relationship. If Sahir truly loved me, he would've seen how much you mean to me. Aditya, I can never feel sorry for a man that tried to hurt the love of my life. Whatever happened to him was the consequence of his own actions."

She reached out to Aditya and wrapped her arms around him. "There's no looking back anymore, Aditya. It's just you, me and our baby from now on." She smiled into his chest as he engulfed her in a protective hug. "Just us three." He said while smiling.


"And there are your little ones!" The doctor pointed to two small bean-shaped white spots on the monitor.

Aditya's grip on Zoya's hand immediately tightened. "Doctor, did you say little ones? As in plural?" He asked in confusion.

"Oh my goodness! You didn't know? You're having twins, congratulations!" She smiled at them.

Zoya's lips curved into a wide smile as she felt a tear escape from her eyes. She sent a prayer up to God, thanking him for all of his blessings. Two years ago, she was told she would never be able to conceive a child and here she was with two in her womb. Aditya and her were going to have two pairs of tiny feet to run after soon and she wasn't one bit scared or nervous.

Aditya smiled as he looked at his wife laying on the bed, with the machine running over her tiny little two-month old bump. There was something innately beautiful about watching the woman you love carry your children inside of her. Call him lovesick, but it really warmed his heart. He couldn't believe they were going to be holding two little ones in their arms soon. Aditya knew what it was like to have a strained relationship with his parents and more so what it was like to lose them both just as things began to improve. It made him look forward to building a better bond with his own babies, letting them know he was always there for them and always seeing that he loved and respected their mother, something his own parents failed to do for him.

"Doctor, you're sure she's safe to travel, right? Even with the twins?"

Zoya mentally face palmed herself. Seeing her husband being overprotective over her and their little ones was cute, but he really took it too far sometimes! How would having twins hinder her affect to travel? She chuckled a bit to herself as she watched the doctor's smirk.

"Yes, Mr.Hooda, she'll be absolutely fine! Her health doesn't magically deteriorate just because she's carrying two instead of one. She just needs to be taking her vitamins on time and keeping herself healthy. I highly suggest traveling now as it's just going to get harder for her as the pregnancy goes on." She smiled at the inquisitive husband.


Zoya breathed a huge sigh as she stepped into the Hooda mansion. It had been a month since Arjun and Noor gave them notice of the wedding, and Aditya had gotten an offer to rejoin the airline company as their Captain. At first, he was going to decline the offer as he always did for her happiness, but she could no longer watch her husband struggle at a job he hated, away from the people they both loved just for her own selfish reasons. Aditya insisted that he was fine, but she knew he was not. He was lying to safeguard her as he always did. She could easily find a job anywhere in Mumbai but his career, his passion and his zest for flying was only possible here. So, when Noor and Arjun's wedding preparation started, it gave her the perfect opportunity to face her fears and return to India. Truth be told, her own heart was aching staying so far away from her loved ones and she wasn't going to miss her Kohinoor and beloved brother in law's wedding for the world.

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