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Hi hi hi! I have a story for you all. So I'm turning 21 in a few days and I had to get a new doctor because my pediatrician of 12 years said I'M TOO OLD TO BE SEEN BY A KIDS DOCTOR NOW. (how rude!) So I got a new doctor and guess what his name is? Dr. Habib....DR.HABIB! DOES THAT RING A BELL??? If I got Dr. Habib then where the fuck is my Aditya Hooda???

ALSO FITOOR IS UPDATED! Please show it some love too :( are y'all not liking it?

Anyways, onto the all better have some tissue boxes ready.

Zoya looked at her phone on her desk. She had wasted her entire lunch break staring at the damn phone. It had been nine days since Aditya and she had been apart. She often felt her decision to walk out on him was way too harsh. But he hadn't even called her since she left. She remembered his tear-stained face that left her heart in shambles as she walked out. It haunted her, but more than that the fact that even after her long explanation as to what she wanted from him, he never even called her after she left. Her mind and heart were playing ping-pong with her feelings again and in the end, no matter which side won, she would be the loser.

Bringing her out of her feelings, her phone rang and she jumped at the sound. She immediately grabbed on to her phone, subconsciously thinking it was Aditya, but an unknown number showed up to her disappointment.

"Hello? Is this Dr. Zoya Hooda?" The voice asked.


"Hi, actually I'm calling in regard to your husband, Mr. Aditya Hooda. He hasn't shown up to work in the last nine days and we were wondering if you could potentially give us some information as to why. His number has been unreachable and you're listed as his emergency contact, hence we were left with no option but to inform you."

Zoya's heart began thumping heavily upon receiving this information. She was unable to form the proper words, because she herself was unable to process the news given to her.

"I'm sorry-uh—we haven't been in contact." She blurted out before hanging up the phone.

As she began to think back to their words, all sorts of scary thoughts ran through her mind. The paranoia was inevitable. She couldn't ever stop worrying when it came to Aditya. But she still tried to calm herself down. Maybe he was still reeling in the after effects of their separation. Maybe he wanted to quit. She began consoling herself with these excuses as her anxiety shot through the roof. She needed any excuse to believe what was running through her mind was in fact not reality.

She decided it was high time to end this tension between Aditya and her. Her ego could take a backseat, right now, it was more important to make sure her love was safe. Zoya grabbed her phone and dialed Aditya's number immediately. A picture of Aditya kissing Zoya on her cheek in front of the Eiffel Tower lit up on her phone screen as she began dialing his number. The photo made her feel as if her own fate was subliminally mocking her. Who was she kidding? She couldn't live without this man.


Aditya Hooda had been through many challenges in life. He had lost his wife, he had found out his wife had been having an affair. He lost both of his parents, he almost lost the love of his life, he failed to protect her on numerous occasions. But nothing prepared him for the moment in his life where his hope would be hanging on thin thread.

His body ached as the feeling of something akin to a metal bashed against his body. He had gotten used to these things. Ever since Zoya left him, it was as if his life left him, He woke up in a cell, painted with darkness all around him. He wasn't given any information about what was happening to him, but it was obvious by the daily beatings as he lay strapped to the chair that someone wanted him dead. Sometimes it would be iron rods against his bare chest, sometimes it would be hanging upside down with a cloth over his head as his body lay swinging by his the grip on his feet, as he was beaten to pulp by people he didn't know. Some days it would be placing a dark cloth over his face in order to restrict his breathing and pouring buckets of water above him to create the illusion that he was drowning, so he would feel every tinge of pain possible.  On days when they felt too tired to physically exert themselves, small doses of bleach would be forced down Aditya's throat, making him cry out in pain as the burning sensation coursed through his body.

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