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"Aditya I'm going to beat your ass." She said, throwing a pillow across the room at him.

"What did I do, babe? She came onto me!" Aditya defended himself.

"And you didn't even say anything! If I didn't come back in would've flirted with her too!" She pouted.

"Oh come on, baby! You got there before I could say a word. And you know I have no eyes for anyone except my sexy sherni." He said wrapping his arms around her.

She pushed him off, almost immediately.

"Seriously?" He asked.

"Yes, you were totally gonna flirt with her. I could tell. Girls can sense this stuff." Zoya said impatiently.

"Baby, com—"

Before he could finish his sentence, he felt his lips being captured by hers as she sucked at his lower lip, biting and fighting for dominance. She slid her tongue in his which was a new move on her part. So engrossed in the kiss, neither of them even realized when they fell on the bed. Zoya fell on top of him. Her entire weight resting on his body as he captured her waist with his hands on each side. She began raining kisses down his neck and collar bone. Just as she finished she sucked hard at the skin on his neck till a dark purple bruise began to form on his skin. She got up from her position, while still straddled on his body as he lay down. "You're just mine, Mr. Hooda. Nobody else's to flirt with, just mine."

His lips curved into a smile as he brought her down again before switching their position in such a way that he was now leaning over her. He smiled as he rubbed her nose with his and she giggled. "And you're just mine, Mrs. Hooda. Nobody else's, just mine." He whispered before kissing her.


Zoya woke up with a fit of coughs. Not only was the coughing inconvenient, but she felt a fever and headache coming as well. She didn't want to worry Aditya, especially not Aditya, so she sneakily tried to get up out of his bed without him. However, that was a impossible, as Aditya immediately felt his hold loosen his eyes opened. Aditya reached out to Zoya and felt her body burning up. He quickly awakened and panicked.

"Baby, do you want some tea? I'm going to order some fever reducer pills. You're burning up." He said all in one breath.

He got up and began placing her body down on the bed again.

"Aditya...I just don't feel well...don't, don't get worried." She said as she saw him panicking.

"Baby, you need some rest. How can I not worry?"

He immediately began soaking a small cloth in some chilled water before placing it on her forehead. Room service had been ordered, courtesy of her husband and he was already starting to prepare some tea for her. As she lay there watching him, looking a like a Greek God of course in just his sleeping shorts and no other item of clothing, making tea for her. She really hit the jackpot with her man. Literally everything he did made her heart flutter a little more for him.

"I'm sorry I ruined the last day of our honeymoon, baby." Zoya said feeling a bit dejected.

"Begum Sahiba, who says this will be our last one? I want to travel the world with you, babygirl. We'll have plenty more for you to make it up." He winked at her.

As the tea was made, he sat next to her and helped her drink it. He tested her temperature and when the screen flashed 102.8, he became increasingly worried. Luckily, their room service came in a short while and he was able to give her some medications in hope that it would carry down her temperature. He hated seeing her in pain or unwell.

He fed her some soup, and even snuggled beside her as she didn't feel like doing anything else. Even though she was unwell, they both cherished these small moments of togetherness. They felt so complete and happy in each other's presence as if nothing else in the world mattered. But they were so naïve...little did they know a storm was awaiting them.


Aditya made sure to exchange their return tickets for economy class instead and his wife was rather ecstatic. She slept on his shoulder the entire journey back to New York and he loved feeling her so close to him. There was something super romantic about sharing a blanket and sleeping together on a plane. Even though their honeymoon was short, they enjoyed every bit of it with each other. There was something a bit special about travelling with your significant other. Even though, they both had decided to refrain getting intimate until Zoya felt more comfortable, they did in fact get pretty close, closer than had ever gotten before and it felt nice to know they had unlocked a new level of intimacy even if it wasn't all the way. They both were looking forward to their life together now.

As they both got back home to Aditya's house, Zoya was the first one to fall asleep again because of the time difference while Aditya stayed up. It had been on his mind for a few days to start job hunting. It wasn't like there was any dearth of money in his life. Both him and Arjun had huge trust funds waiting for them in the case of dire emergencies but right now, he was perfectly able to work and he wasn't going to sit at home idly while Zoya did all the hard work. So he began job searching. He hadn't renewed his pilot license in over two years, but he still applied to multiple positions in companies across New York, knowing that he would be able to easily pass the flying test again.


Days turned into weeks and Aditya was still unable to find a job with any airline company. He watched Zoya leave for the university every morning, while he sat at home, doing absolutely nothing. He felt so helpless for the first time in his life. As he went to interview after interview, it became obvious that most airline companies wanted a pilot who had been trained in America and then on top of that his mental health record wasn't exactly the best either. No company would want such a high-risk pilot like him on board. He knew the best thing for him would've been to take a job as an on-site engineer. After all he had done his degree in aviation engineering, but his heart and passion was flying. And he couldn't find a job in his field nor could he dare ask Zoya to uproot her life here and go back to the same place where she had such horrible memories.

Zoya started to feel a change in her emotions for Aditya. She loved him, like so much. She really did. But sometimes, she hoped he would understand her better. There would be nights where she'd work overtime on certain cases and she would have to come home drained of energy yet she'd have to rush to prepare dinner or their room would be hoarded with laundry. She didn't expect him to do all the household chores or anything but she wished he would offer to help her out once in a while. She saw his struggles in finding a job and decided not to say anything to him. But they both couldn't help but notice a strange vibe in the air. Some days they would eat at the table before saying a single word to each other.

Aditya became increasingly miserable without any job. It was then he decided to bite the bullet and accept the offer as an aviation engineer. He thought it would at least bring Zoya some piece of mind. He saw how much it affect her and in turn their relationship. He knew she would be happy for him. Little did he know, things were about to go downhill from here...

A/N: Are you all bored with this? Asking because I see a lot of previous readers disappearing. If there is something I can change, please let me know. It breaks my heart when I know my content is not up to standard and I want to improve it for you all. Sahir will be making a small cameo again in this story soon.

Also my SaYa fanfic 'Fitoor' has been update. Are you guys liking that? I'm not sure if I should continue :(

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