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Aditya's hold on Zoya loosened as she saw tears start to form in his eyes. Whatever malice she held in her heart always fell flat in front of his tears. She reached out to him as he fell to the floor in a seating position. He looked at her with his eyes full of questions and hurt.

"Zoya, I understand. I really do. Sahir is the better choice between me and him, but why did you play with my feelings? I know I am unworthy of you but that does not give you the right to hurt me like this. If you wanted him, why did you pretend to love me? I stayed for you, Zoya. I left Arjun to take care of everything and I stayed back because I didn't want to pressure you to move back to India. I'm here working a job I hate, because I love you. Don't tell me I deserve to be cheated on, Zoya, because I don't! I am a horrible person but I don't deserve this." He spoke as his lips quivered with the tears threatening to fall.

Zoya sat in front of him. She knew the right thing to do would've been to properly wipe his tears and cajole him. But she didn't have that in her right now. She faced him with a stern expression on her face.

"And you just assumed that I'm cheating on you, because?" She questioned.

"I found the letter you were hiding, Zoya! Why would you hide that from me unless there was something going on between you two? And today?! How can you explain that? You lied to me and went to go meet him in secret!" He accused.

Zoya took a long sigh, before cupping his face in her hands and making her face him. He tried to move her hands in order to maintain his stern demeanor but to no avail. All his emotions seemed to melt in the hold of her delicate hands like ice in the warmth of fire. And what was left was a big, watery mess. A perfect definition of a crying Aditya Hooda right now.

"Aditya, look into my eyes. Do you think I can fake my love for you?" She calmly said as he looked at her, unable to read the emotions in her eyes.

"But why hide everything from me?" He cried out.

"Because I know you were suffering too. Sahir had wrote me that letter a few days before we left for our honeymoon and why on God's name should I have mentioned it to you and spoil our impending happiness, Aditya?"

He looked up to her with questions in his eyes.

"But why did you go meet him..." Aditya asked innocently.

"Today was his trial. I testified against him. It was just an emotional day because he was the man who rebuilt my life only to try to take it away from me again. I know...I should've told you. But you were so pent up in frustration trying to find a job and today was finally your first day, how could I have overburdened you with that information?"

Zoya sighed as she looked down. Aditya looked at her in silence as the reality dawned upon him. He looked at her eyes looking downwards trying to avoid looking at him so he wouldn't see how tear-stained they were. He looked at the way her brunette curls framed her face, almost hiding it so he couldn't see her distressed expression. He felt ashamed of himself for doing this to her. Once more, he had let his anger get the best of him and in turn he ended up hurting the woman who was closest to him. His logic and reasoning skills always just seemed to diminish when it came to those closest to him. He reached out to her with his hands, knowing how perfectly her cheeks fit in them. As he made her face him, he saw those expressive orbs pool with tears that were now streaming down. He reached out to embrace her and ask for forgiveness, but before he could do so. He was stopped by her hand placing pressure on his shoulders, requesting him to stop. He felt even more guilty if that was possible now. He was getting a taste of his own bitter medicine that he had fed to his wife for no fault of hers.

Zoya looked up at him. He looked as if he was a puppy that was kicked to the curb by its owner. His eyes always managed to make her falter. They were so expressive, on some days he would do this thing where he would just look at her and smile, making everyone in the room disappear. His eyes on her in those moments would make her feel like the most beautiful woman ever. But some days, they carried rage and would make her breath abnormal. His eyes truly held the most power over her. They would either leave her aching in agony or basking in glory. But today, she denied them that power. Today, she had to speak her mind for she knew it was now or never.

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