Chapter 16

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"Loki, where are we going?" I say the second I emerge into the dark hallway. No one answers. What? There's no one here. I look around, but the prince is nowhere to be found. My pulse picks up as dread surrounds me. What if something happened to him? It's only been five minutes, but bad things don't always take long. "Loki?" My voice is at least an octave higher than usual and panic fills my lungs. Whatdoidowhatdoido. Thor. I'll go find Thor. He'll know how to help.

"Please don't go back to Thor," a sly voice snickers. I scream as Loki shimmers into the hallway, grinning widely. It was an illusion. He was here the whole time.

"You jerk!" I scream, trying to hide the tears welling up in my eyes. "I was worried that something had happened to you! You could have been hurt or dead for all I knew!" He instantly recognizes that the trick was a huge mistake and comes closer to me. Anger and fear are so bottled up inside that when he takes my hand, I don't hold anything back and let it hit him full on, taking some of his concern in return. His eyes widen the second he feels my emotions, but to my surprise, he doesn't let go. He closes his eyes and takes it all in until I'm nothing more than a sobbing mess. I retract my magic and hand, already feeling guilty.

"Come here," he whispers tenderly, holding out his arms. At this point, I don't even hesitate. "I'm sorry. It was only a joke. I'm right here."

"Never do that again," I beg him. "I don't like it."

He takes a deep breath, trying to slow the adrenaline I gave him. "I know. Trust me."

Unlike me, Loki seems much better at hiding his emotions. He holds me until my tears dry and I stop shaking. "Where were you going to take me before... all that happened?" His eyes widen and he starts pulling me down the hallway. "Loki, where are we going?" He doesn't answer. We run through passageways and halls until he pushes open a rather plain door. Inside is a ladder going straight up. He goes first, and I follow, carefully balancing in my heels. When I emerge from the trapdoor, I can't believe it.

"Loki," I gasp, putting a hand to my mouth. We're literally on the roof of the palace, surrounded by a brilliant sunset. He was right. Earth's has nothing on Asgard's. All of the colors seem brighter, and wispy clouds dot the sky. He's even set out a blanket to sit on and just watch.

"I thought since you missed yesterday's, I might make it up to you," he says, giving me the smallest smile. "Do you like it?" That's all it takes. I run and jump, flinging my arms around him. He catches me, steady as ever, and tightly holds the embrace. "I'll take that as a yes." He sets me down on the blanket before joining me.

"It's so beautiful," I murmur, leaning my head on his shoulder. We're silent for the longest time, but it doesn't feel uncomfortable at all. The only sounds around us are his flipping of pages and the wind rustling leaves. "What're you reading?"

"It's a collection of poetry, my little sol."

"I didn't peg you for a poetry kind of guy," I say, but I'm glad he is. Poems are a guilty pleasure to me. "Will you read some to me?"

"Of course." I close my eyes and just listen to his voice. "Come with me/ Let's walk towards the Sun/ The road seems far away/ I promise, is not long/ But if by any chance/ You get tired along the way/ Please, do not hold back/ And rest easy on my chest. / And listen to my heart/ The things it wants to say/ It says.../ "I love you/ I love you"/ With every beat it makes." He reads poem after poem, and I watch as the sunset fades to dusk and the dusk fades to night.

"Hey, Loki?" I don't move from my comfortable position on his shoulder.


"What does sol mean? You keep calling me that."

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