Chapter 37

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"Thor, you have been in there twice as long as it takes Stark to get ready!" I bark, banging on his door. "You are going to be late, and I don't plan on waiting for you!"

A disgruntled "shut up," is all I get. Rolling my eyes, I push open the door. As I suspected, he's trying to fix his hair, which I assume is frizzy due to how many times he has tried already. In my black, gold and green, I look perfectly regal, almost like I'm the one being crowned. But I gave that up. And I'm surprisingly fine with it.

"Every lady in Asgard already fawns over you. No one cares what you look like today in particular."

"Loki, today is my coronation," he complains, as if I didn't know that. As if I didn't plan most of it. With an annoyed groan and a wave of my hands, his hair goes into place. "Thank you, brother."

"I only did it so you would stop whining."

"I was not whining."

"You were being a bit of a peacock."

"Mother would not want us to fight," he says, picking up Mjolnir, his final accessory. Just for fun, I would like to see the Avengers try to wield it. I'm not sure if any of them could, but watching Stark struggle with the hammer would certainly make my day.

I crack a small grin. "She wouldn't exactly be shocked." As I say this, a sharp pain runs through my left hand. I wince and stare at my fingers. It's the one I instructed my enchantments to attack. No.

"Loki? What's wrong? You look ill," Thor says, walking over to me with a concerned expression. Another shock courses through my fingers, stronger this time, almost burning. I hiss, letting some of my Frost Giant temperature spread to my fingers in an attempt to soothe them.

"I- I need to sit down." I all but collapse in his desk chair, a desk he never uses. She's hurt. My sol. Something is wrong. It must have been that battle Heimdall warned me of. That I did nothing to stop.

"Loki, do I need to call for someone?" He still thinks I'm sick. The reality is much, much worse. "Eir, another healer, anyone?"

"No." I take a deep breath. "It's Eliza. I used an enchantment that tells me when she's in pain. She's suffering, I can feel it. I need to go, now." I meet my brother's eyes, something I almost never do.

"An enchantment? Then you must- Loki, what's wrong with your hand?" I raise my left hand, confused, because there's nothing there other than invisible pain. "No, not that one. The other. It's an illusion. One of yours."

I keep my face placid but quickly try to draw my hand away. Thor's gotten better at catching my illusions. I must not have been paying attention. He can't know, not yet. But my brother is faster than I give him credit for, grabbing my hand right out of the air. "Thor, let go," I command, but there's no use.

"Loki, no more illusions." I sigh and let it shimmer away. Thor examines my hand, trying to figure out what's actually different. "There's nothing wrong," he says slowly. Then he sees a noticeably bare finger on my hand, where he has a ruby-encrusted band on his. "You gave her your ring. That's why you gave up ruling."

"And it's why I need to leave." I stand, already making plans. I need to go to the Bifrost, where Heimdall will remain even throughout the coronation. "I'm sorry, but I have to-"

"You don't need to apologize," he says, putting a hand on my shoulder. It's almost comforting, but not quite. I'm not one for touches of affection unless they come from Eliza. "Your lady is in trouble. Of course you need to go to her. If it wasn't this particular day, I would go with you myself."

"And what of the coronation?" I wave a hand over myself, letting my regal clothes morph into simpler ones and a traveling cloak.

"Most don't like you anyway, so your absence won't upset them. In fact, Sif will be delighted."

I chuckle. "True." I make it halfway to the door when Thor stops me with a hug. I hesitate, but tentatively put my arms around him.

"I will visit when I'm able," he says, nodding. "And if we have news, I will contact you through Heimdall."

"Do that. Good luck with your coronation, brother."

"And good luck with her. You two definitely have my blessing, though I expect an invitation to your wedding." I recall what Eliza told me about Thor "shipping" us. It still holds true.


"Goodbye." I exit the room and teleport on the spot, unable to waste another minute.

"Heimdall," I say the second I appear. "I need to go to Midgard. Where is she?" His golden eyes glaze over as he searches.

"I am not sure where. A prison, with high levels of security. But I will send you to someone who can help you find her. Trust them." The rainbow lights of the Bifrost engulf me before I can ask anything else and I hurtle towards Midgard, landing gracefully. I blink, trying to figure out where I am. Then, from behind me, I hear a voice.


Who is it??????

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