Change for the Better? Pt 1

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Age 26

Iron Heights Prison

Earth 2

Sebastian sat in his cell after Barry's visit. He doesn't know why, but Barry always has this way of aggravating Sebastian. Just his little nerdy needy attitude making everyone think he was so lovable. But after five years in prison, nothing. Not one peep from the Allen's prized son. Barry may be all rainbows and sunshine in their eyes. But for Sebastian he was the representation of what went wrong in his world.

Without Barry Allen, he wouldn't be in prison. His parents might actually love him. He might actually be pursuing his dreams of being a producer. Or maybe even a musician or an actor.

But there was nothing he can do about it. In this world, Barry Allen was the star of the show. He has everything. A good job, a wife he adores and would help him achieve his dreams, his parent's love.

And where was Sebastian? Stashed away where he couldn't be a bother to any of the Allens. And even after he is released form Prison. What is there for him? He was nothing. He was just a broken man stuck inside a cage he cannot get out of.

After all, who cares for Sebastian Allen?


Prison was a dull repetitive cycle. Sebastian can barely remember time passing by. After years in prison there wasn't really much he could do. He could watch the news with some of his inmates. But watching his brother report the newest Metahuman attacks wasn't really on the top of his list of things he wants to do. He could lift weights or work out with most of the gang like inmates in Iron Heights but it really wasn't in his agenda to keep 'peak physical condition'. And playing poker with a bunch of stupid inmates who can't hold a poker face can only entertain him for so long.

A loud bell rang from the hall and Sebastian barely looked up from his cot in his cell.

"Inmates! Back to your cells!" the guard exclaimed herding the prisoners back to their cells. And one by one the bars slammed in each cell.

"Lights out in thirty minutes!"

Sebastian can hear the other inmates shuffle in their cells getting ready for another night in prison.

The lights started to flicker causing a stir amongst the prisoners. Slams echoed at the hallway. The lights flickered out and the inmates were soon by one. The doors started to open. Sebastian got off his cot and looked out of his cell. Only his cell was opened.

"Get us out of here, Allen!" most of the inmates exclaimed as he walked towards the guard center at the end of the hall. He got there and saw the officer dead.

His heart started hammering through his chest. This doesn't feel right. It's a dream. It's just a messed up nightmare. He thought.

But a flash of lightning passed him. Sebastian's blood running cold as he could feel the hair at the back of his neck rose. Like a man charged up with lightning was standing right behind him.

"Sebastian Allen."

"Y-You're that evil speedster." Sebastian stammered. "You're Zoom."

Sebastian tried to run. But he knew he cannot outrun a speedster.

"What do you want with me?"

"I have a job for you."

"Unless you don't notice, I am in prison. I have a Bachelor's degree in mopping floors and poker faces. So why don't you just zip on out of here."

Zoom suddenly left the prison. Sebastian ran towards his cell. As soon as he thought he was clear away from evil speedsters, Zoom zapped right back in his face.

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