𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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TIME HAD CONTINUED TO TICK BY. The world could have stopped and the three would never have noticed-- not at this moment at least. Robin, Steve, and Alex had sat strapped together with drugs pumping through their system and they had felt fine. It was a strange feeling for the group. The panic had washed away, and the worry they had once held onto seemed to have vanished in thin air. It was exhilarating. It was enough to have them smile.

Alex had swallowed hard, resting her head back against Steve's as her eyes traveled up the ceiling. This Russian base was no longer scary, it was comforting. It wasn't too cold to have her on edge and it wasn't so warm she was uncomfortable. Everything was clean and tidied up. They could have cut her free and she would have never moved, stuck to her seat with a dopey look stuck on her face as if this had been the greatest day of her life.

Steve had felt almost too at ease. It was nice, but he needed to be sure that he was not the only one that had felt this way. "Honestly, I don't really feel anything. Do you two?"

"I mean, I-I feel fine," Robin whispered. Her eyes had shifted across the room but she saw no reason to panic. Perhaps this man truly was a great doctor and to question his abilities seemed almost unreasonable at this moment. She had only felt one thing, so why doubt it. "I feel normal."

Alex had not been so quick to answer as her attention had been brought somewhere completely different. She could swear the room was spinning and turning every which way, but the trick was, if she had focused on it, it would stop. It turned into a game for her-- try and catch the room before it could trick her once more.

Steve rolled his head over to look in her direction, but she had been lost. Her eyes were wide and unfocused despite her mind telling her this was the sharpest she had ever been. "Alex," he whispered softly. "Alex, are you alive?"

Never pulling her eyes off the wall, she had smiled when she had heard his voice beside her ear. "I feel..." her voice trailed off as her focus shifted for that split second and she finally pulled her eyes off the wall. "I feel fine," she whispered in a single breath of air.

"Yeah, I feel fine," he agreed then it all turned into a joke to him. "I kinda feel good," he mumbled. To the three, it had been the most ridiculously funny statement he could have made. All three had leaned their heads back against one another as they began to giggle at the idea of feeling this incredibly good. "Morons," he called out in his fit of laughter. "They messed up the drug."

"They messed it up!" Robin laughed. It had only sprung another group laughter that had the group calling out to the Russian guards that were nowhere near them, reminding them that they had been morons and they were only having a great time. It was until Robin had grown wide-eyed that she realized that maybe this was not how they would be normally acting. "Oh, no. There's definitely something wrong with us."

𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐝𝐲 ⟿ s. harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now