Mother & Daughter Alike

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Leticia opened the front door to her home and threw her bag off her shoulder. Slipping off her Vans, she made her way upstairs to her bedroom.
All day, Leticia had been thinking about telling her mother something that she had realized about herself only a couple of months ago.
In November, a new girl moved to Greendale and ended up in Leticia's class. Her name is Evelyn.
She is shorter than Leticia, curly ginger hair, blue eyes and loads of freckles. Leticia had went to art class that day and much to her surprise, Evelyn sat beside her.
They got along really well and ended up hanging out that night.
After a few weeks, Leticia realized she liked the girl more than a friend. Leticia had had these feelings before but pushed them away as just apart of being a teenager. But now, it was stronger feelings and she had been thinking about telling her mother until Evelyn had asked her out. Evelyn told her a few days ago that she was a lesbian. Leticia had told her she had been having feelings like that too. Leticia wanted to tell her mother before she went on the date with Evelyn tomorrow but she wasn't sure how her mother would act. Her mother had never shown any discomfort around gay people. Hell, her cousin is pansexual! But she was scared her mother would tell her it was just a phase or she didn't approve of her daughter dating another girl.


Sitting up off her girlfriend's abdomen, Zelda couldn't help but giggle.
Mary lay under her, glasses off, her hair falling out of her bun and blotchy red and purple hickeys all over her chest and neck.

"Can you give me a ride home?" Mary nodded and kissed her softly.
"And maybe...come over for dinner tomorrow night?"

Mary opened her mouth but then closed it again. "But Zelda...your family doesn't know you're bisexual. Do you think this is the right time?"

Zelda blushed and looked down at her girlfriend's chest. Shyly tucking a piece of hair, Zelda smiled, "Well, I used to be bisexual. I'm more like...marysexual, and no they don't know that but I'm ready to tell them." Mary smiled and kissed her.

"I'm ready, when your ready." Zelda climbed off of her girlfriend and began to get dressed. Mary did the same and they left hand in hand.


"Leticia! Come pick up your bag!" Leticia ran down the stairs and greeted her mother at the door.

"How was your day at work?"

Boring as usual but how was school?" Zelda hugged her daughter before she could hang up her bag.

" usual." Leticia teased and hung the bag up.

"Have any homework?"

"Nope. By the way, Aunt Hilda left and said she wouldn't be back for another hour. I'm assuming to see Cerberus." Zelda sighed and nodded.

"Guess I'll be making dinner tonight then." Leticia thought for a moment. Maybe this will be the time to talk to her mom.

"Can I help?" Zelda raised a brow and rolled up the sleeves of her blazer.

"Alright. Wash your hands."


Leticia was cutting vegetables and her mother stirred the noodles. Leticia thought over what she was going to say in her head. She was so nervous and everytime she looked up to speak, her stomach turned.

She finally got the courage to look up at her mom and smiled, "Mom, I need to tell you something."

"What is it, sweet heart?" Leticia set the knife down and took a seat on one of the stools.

"I found out something about myself recently and I felt like I needed to talk to you first." Zelda stopped stirring and looked up at her daughter.
"Mom I'm...I'm gay."
Zelda just stared at her for a moment but then a small smile crept onto her face.

Just in time, Hilda walked in and smiled at supper being mad.
"Hilda, can you finish this. Leticia and I need to go for a drive somewhere." Hidla furrowed her brows but nodded.

"Mom, where are we going?" Zelda and Leticia walked towards the car.

"Just follow me." Leticia did just that and got into the car.

Leticia had no clue where they were going and was growing more and more nervous. She didn't think she was going anywhere bad but it was suspicious because Zelda never said anything to her. She had no facial expression to indicate is she was mad or happy.

Zelda was nervous about if this was the right thing. But if her daughter had the courage to come out to her, then she should do the same.

Stopping at a small cottage, Leticia raised a brow.
"Where are we?"

"Come with me." Leticia sighed and stepped out of the car. "She should be home." Zelda whispered the last part under her breath but Leticia heard it.

Closing the car door, "Who?" Leticia asked.

"Someone you need to meet." Leticia furrowed her brows as they walked up the steps. Zelda knocked on the door and stepped back.

The door opened and a short, brunette woman stood there confused. She had bright blue eyes and her hair was pulled back into a loose bun and she wore a baggy grey sweater, a dark green button up, so the collar peeked out from the top and a dark grey pencil skirt with dark green plaid. She wore loafers and a pair of green stockings. She wore glasses and a watch around her wrist. The woman's features were very prominent. Her cheekbones were sharp and her lips were thin. Eyes wide and eyesbrows thin but arched. She looked very confused and looked up at Zelda.

"Zelda...what is this about?" Her mother sighed and turned towards her.

"Leticia...I want you to meet," She watched her mother grab the woman's hands and pull her close to her. "Mary. My girlfriend."

Mary's eyes went wide and she gulped. "Are you...are we really doing this right now?"

Zelda nodded. "Leticia, do you mind if I tell her?"

Leticia shook her head.

"Leticia has realized she likes girls. So I thought best if she met mine." Mary blushed.

"It's so lovely and...reassuring to meet you, Mary." Mary smiled kindly.

"I've heard so much about you." Leticia opened up her arms and Mary gladly hugged her. Zelda's heart warmed at the sight of the love of her life and her daughter hugging.

"Why don't you two come in for a cup of tea?" Zelda nodded and the two went inside.


Leticia smiled at her mother and Mary. Mary had her feet up and she was curled into Zelda's side. Zelda's left arm was wrapped around the brunette's waist and they were both laughing. Leticia never would have thought her mother and a woman like this would ever like each other or even get along. Mary was so kind and she knew her mother could be cold and cruel, especially to her sister.
Leticia hadn't seen her mother so happy in a long time. Leticia didn't know much about Mary, but she did know that Mary was perfect for her mother.
Leticia was happy her mother didn't care she was gay because she was too.
Leticia chuckled as she thought Mother and Daughter alike.

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