Four Day Get Away

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Mary let her fingertips brush against the flowers that lined the stairs following up to Baxter High. The smell of spring in the air. She breathed in. Wild roses and daisies were in bloom. 

Her green fuzzy sweater clashed with the white silk skirt she wore but she hadn't the slightest care. A white beaded purse sat just before her elbow and her loafers made soft clicking noises as she walked up the concrete stairs. 

Mary's mission was set and she wasn't breaking course. At the top of the stairs, she took in a final deep breath. She could see the cheerleaders performing in the field, getting everyone excited for the big game that was about to start. 

Mary entered the school, making it straight for the long hallway. Her soft fingertips played with the two chained gold necklace that hung from her neck. 

A smile sat comfortably at her lips. A small piece of hair escaped her tight, low bun and now curled at the side of her temple. 

She made her way straight to the spot they had planned to meet. Mary tuned out the sound of people yelling in the field. She knew the big game between the Riverdale Bulldogs and the Baxter High Ravens. It was perfect timing to meet up because she knew her love would have been dragged to the game. 

She made her way quickly down the hallway. Her loafers tapping against the waxed floors. 

Stopping before the doors that lead outside, she snuck a peek at the game through the slim windows on the doors. 

"Thank hell you're here." Mary jumped a bit and spun around. She sighed in relief, instantly clinging to the redhead. 
"We better leave soon. We have roughly two and a half hours." Mary chuckled, looking back up at the redhead. 

"Oh Zelda, always in a rush." She chuckled again before linking their hands. 

They made their way out of the school and towards Mary's small car. Zelda climbed into the driver's side after helping Mary into the passenger's seat. 

"Where are we on our way to?" Mary thought for a moment, biting her lip softly. 

"How about… Pop's ChockLit Shoppe?" 

"In Riverdale? Mary-" Mary shushed her with a finger to her blood stained lips. 

"You asked where we were going, so I told you. Now put a paddle to it." Zelda huffed with a small chuckle following. 

"Now who is in a rush?" Mary shook her head, biting her lip once more. 

Zelda turned on the radio, instantly turning it up. Storms by Fleetwood Mac filled their small car. Mary sighed in contempt, kicking her feet up onto the dashboard. They both hummed along to the song, enjoying the mini road trip. 

"You know I love this song?" 

"I do too." Zelda smiled down at her brunette, clutching her soft hand into her own. 

By the time they hit Riverdale, they were fully singing Fleetwood Mac songs in unison. 

""If I could, Baby, I'd give you my world! Open up! Everything's waiting for you!"" 

""You can go your own waaaay! Go your own waaaay! You can call it! Another lonely day! You can go your own waaaay! Go your own waaaay!"" 

Mary snapped along to the song and Zelda tapped her free foot along to the beat. 

The next song of theirs that played was Everywhere. It made Zelda chuckle when Mary stared at her as she sung the words of the song with a velvety voice. 

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