The Hunt

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Zelda ran fast through the woods, red velvet cape flowing behind her. Her red locks pooled at her shoulders. Her breath hitched as she dodged through trees, feet hitting the soft ground. 

Not too far behind her was Lilith, martching through the damp forest. Her heels sunk into the Earth, driving out annoyed groans from Lilith. .

"Oh, Zellllldaaaa." Lilith's voice rang through the woods. Zelda felt her growing closer. Her breath hitched, legs moving faster. Lilith peeked behind trees, growing slightly annoyed. She thought this would have been fun and she could use the hunt. But Zelda had proven she was very good at this little game and it was starting to tick Lilith off. 

Lilith was told by Zelda that she wasn't a loud to use her demon form as an advantage but she had been trying to track down the red head for an hour already. So Lilith kicked off her heels and removed her jacket, leaving the wolf pelt around her shoulders. She and Zelda were in nothing but thin nightgowns, along with the wolf pelt and cape. 

The cool air chilled her skin and hardened her nipples. A small smirk crept onto her face as her body began to morph. Her olive skin cracked, revealing green leather like skin. 

Zelda stopped. She couldn't hear any more footsteps and the woods grew painfully quiet. Her breath fogged in front of her, showing her how cold it was. Her skin chilled as she waited for even the faintest sound. But there was nothing. She began to step backwards, eyes frantically scanning all around her. Something wasn't right. 

She thought of calling out to Lilith but didn't know if this was some kind of trick. Growing colder, Zelda pulled the cape further over her shoulders. It felt eerie. Being in the woods all alone. 

Growing extremely nervous, she parted her lips, about to speak when she heard a growling noise coming from the trees. Her heart beat kicked up and she ran as fast as she could. The growling increased, curtailing her blood. Zelda was terrified of what could be behind her. The creature could have gotten her Lilith, which only kicked up Zelda's adrenaline even more. 

She heard claws shredding through trees and dirt. It was running fast and had to be chasing her. Zelda's legs began to grow weak, tears flowing down her cheeks. Her knees were buckling and her ankle rolled. Falling to the ground, Zelda turned around, frantically trying to get a glimpse at what ever was chasing her. And that's when she saw the green skin. Zelda bit the inside of her lip, anger cursing through her. 

Standing up, Zelda ran faster, away from the woman. She felt cheated. Zelda had specifically told Lilith that her demonic advantage was cheating and she wasn't a loud to use them. 

"Lilith! You fucking cheater!" A sinister chuckle came from behind her. And then she couldn't hear anything anymore. Lilith was playing another game with her. Zelda turned her head, the demoness nowhere to be found. Not paying attention, Zelda tripped on a stick, splitting her skin. 

Falling to the ground, Zelda groaned through gritted teeth. The growl came again and Zelda closed her eyes. She could feel a body over her, hot breath against her skin. A wet, split tongue dragged across her skin but it quickly turned to soft kitty licks. Zelda opened her eyes to see Lilith's demon form gone, replaced with her brunette. Lilith wore a big smile, brunette locks and wolf fur framing her face. Zelda couldn't help but laugh and bring their lips into a soft kiss. 

"Looks like I won." Lilith cocked a brow, smirking. 

"Only because you cheated and scared the shit out of me!" The two laughed loudly.

Lilith's body heat warmed Zelda, as she snuggled close to her demoness. 
Lilith peppered her head with kisses as they lay on the cold wet forest floor, engulfed in each other's warmth. 

AYE here is some more shit but it was requested sooo...

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