Flour Fight!

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Zelda entered the small cottage, breathing in the small of apple pie in the oven. She knew exactly where Mary was from the sound of an 80s song ringing through the hallway toward the kitchen. 

Turning into the kitchen, Zelda smiled at the sight of Mary covered in flour, dancing around, stirring a bowl of mix. She smiled and continued what she was doing. 

“You’re such a goof.” Zelda leaned in to look into the bowl. “What are you making?” 

“I made an apple pie for the two of us and then I’m making one for when we go have dinner with Dr. Cee and Hilda.” Zelda dipped her finger in the bowl quickly, missing a swat from Mary. Zelda sorted through the playlist, clicking on Shake Your Groove Thing by Peaches & Herb. Mary laughed, putting down the bowl. Zelda rolled up her sleeves. Mary continued working on her pie as Zelda handed her the next few indriegance. Occasionally, the Zelda would spin Mary, the two smiling wide. 

Groovin’ loose or heart to heart 
We put in motion every single part
Funky sounds wall to wall
We’re bumpin’ booties, havin’ us a ball, ya’ll 

Zelda and Mary bumped their hips together. Mary stumbled, gripping the counter top. 
In return, Mary threw a bit of flour at Zelda. Hitting her chest and cheek. Zelda opened her mouth in shock, pinching a bit of flour between her fingers and throwing it back. Mary laughed, grabbing a handful and chucking it Zelda’s way. 

“Oh it’s on now!” Zelda grabbed the bag of flour, throwing a handful at Mary. It hit her neck and up the side of her face. Karma Chameleon by Culture Club was now playing. 

Dessert loving in your eyes all the way
If I listen to your lies, would you say
I’m a man without conviction 
I’m a man who doesn’t know 
How to sell a contradiction 
You come and go, you come and go 

Mary grabbed her second bag of flour and ran to the other side of the island in the middle of the kitchen. She ducked, missing a handful of flour. Zelda’s bag slipped out of her hand and she bent to pick it up. Mary took this opportunity. Zelda stood up straight and was immediately pelted with two handfuls of flour. One hitting her face and the other hitting her chest. 

“Karma!” Mary ducked. Zelda laughed. 

“Now you’re getting it!” Zelda slid across the island and down beside Mary. 
Mary gave her a knowing look and covered her eyes. Zelda picked both bags up in each hand. 
“I would say I’m sorry but honestly, I’m not.’’ Zelda dumped both bags over Mary’s head. Mary squealed as flour went down her shirt. Zelda took Mary’s glasses off her face, clumps of flour falling from them. 

Mary laughed and opened her eyes. She was covered. And so was the kitchen. 

“Look at this mess!” Zelda laughed, standing and offering her a hand. Mary took it. A ring of flour around her. 

“You forget, dear. I’m a witch.” Zelda waved her hand and the kitchen was spotless. The two looked at one another and started laughing. Mary nearly fell back onto the floor, Zelda catching her. 

“We look so stupid.” Zelda waved her hand again. The flour that covered them disappeared. 

Footloose by Kenny Loggins came on and Zelda took Mary’s hand. 

They sang along, laughing. Zelda swore she had never had fun until she met Mary. The woman may look composed and shy on the outside by she really was a big child. Zelda was shocked to find this out. It was now Zelda’s favorite part about Mary. Especially after Mary and her got into a snowball fight last winter. Mary won. Or when Mary and Sabrina begged her to go see the live action Dumbo movie with them. Or the time Mary and Leticia had dragged her to the new ice cream shop. It truly was one of Zelda’s favorite memories. Mary with the four year old on her lap while they both dug into banana splits. 

Mary took out the pie in the oven and set it aside. She then filled a new pane with the new batter. 
“You know you owe me two new bags of flour.” Mary looked up and smiled. There sat three bags of flour. 

“There. Then you don’t have to go to the market.” Mary kissed her cheek and left the kitchen. Zelda put the mixing bowl, whisk, and measuring cups into the sink. She filled the sink half way, leaving them to soak. 

Mary came back in, falling into Zelda’s arms. “I’m exhausted.” 

“Same here.” 

“How about we wait for this pie to finish then we will take a nap then go over to Hilda’s?” Mary laughed. 

“Hilda’s? You call it Hilda’s now?” Zelda nodded. 

“Well I don’t live there anymore! Neither does the other two. Just her and Cerberus.” Mary sighed in agreement. 

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Mary gave her a peck on the check. 

Zelda watched her walk away and something hit her, 
“Oh fuck! Mary I bought bagel bites!” Zelda grabbed the bag she brought in with her. Mary laughed and continued down the hall. 

“Use the microwave!” 

Do I believe that Mary listens to all these songs and dances around her kitchen? YES. Do I believe that Mary is 100% a big child? YES. Do I believe that Zelda found out what bagel bites were when Sabrina was really young and now she won't stop fucking eating them? YES.

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