Rain Water

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(Title is from Young The Gaint's song "Titus Was Born". I was listening to it as I wrote this and I was totally not crying the whole time. I highly recommend listening to that song as you read this.)

Their heels sunk into the mud as they ran from the car to the steps of the mortuary. The rain was pouring, soaking both women. 

Lilith laughed as Zelda's heels slid on the boards of the porch, causing her to fall. Zelda pouted, being lifted back up by Lilith. The two ran to the front door, pushing it open to get inside the warm home of the Spellmans. 

A string of laughter emitted from both women as they stared at each other's soaked forms. Their hair wet and stuck to their face. Lilith's red lipstick runny and smeared at the corner. Zelda could feel her mascara clumping on her lashes. 

The emerald green dress Lilith was wearing had gotten so soaked it now stuck to her body. The leather coat she wore dripping with water droplets. Zelda's fur collar itched the back of her neck. Removing it, she felt Lilith's eyes on her. 

Lilith removed her leather coat, hanging it beside Zelda's. They stared at each other for a few long moments. Oddly, they found each other's dishevelled appearance attractive. Zelda had the sudden urge to kiss the woman. The same urge she had had all night. 

Lilith gestured towards the living room. Zelda nodded, leading the way. Her dress felt itchy and uncomfortable. The cold fabric warmed from the fire Hilda had left. Lilith moved behind her, staring into the amber flames. 

Zelda turned her attention to Lilith, who kept her blue eyes on the fire. 

Something left Zelda's mouth but Lilith didn't hear it. She might have asked if she wanted a drink or when she would be returning to hell but she didn't know. Looking back at Zelda, Lilith softly let their lips meet. 

They pulled away for only a second, just to let their eyes meet before continuing their kiss. Zelda tangled her hands in the mess of brunette curls. Lilith's hands ran up and down Zelda body. Lilith's nails sunk into the flesh of Zelda's hips through the damp fabric. Lilith pressed her  body against Zelda's, loving the feeling of Zelda's soft hands holding her petite form. They smiled into their first kiss. It felt like a bandaid had been ripped off as they finally kissed their love. Lilith moved her hands to Zelda's head, pulling her face down to meet hers fully. Their foreheads met as their tongues slid over the other. Lilith's right leg lifted off the ground as she pulled them ever closer. Zelda smiled, a small tear falling from her eye. Lilith cried too as they kissed, both relieved and full of love for the other. 

A loud noise came from outside, illuminating the room for a second. Zelda's attraction grew at the sight of Lilith's harsh features being highlighted from the lightning. They kissed longer, tuning out the sound of the rain hitting the shingles of the house. 

Headlights shone through the window, causing Zelda to fully pull away from the other woman. 
They stared at each other. Their eyes took each other in, bathing in the moment before it was over. 

Hilda's voice rang from outside. 

"Ambrose! Cover the groceries!" 

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