Mary's Nightmares

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Mary sprang up in bed, sweat dripping down her face and covering her petite body. The white nighty sticking to her as she stood up. This wasn't uncommon. Since she lost six months, Maty had been walking up to horrifying nightmares. Ones with demons, a goat man, what seemed to be a cult, blood and her own body lying on the living room floor. The people in her dreams were unfamiliar, except Sabrina.

It had been a few months after her walking up from what she thought was a dream but was actually her coming back to life. Of course it took her awhile to figure all this out, well she didn't figure it out on her own. The eldest Spellman, who now laid in her bed, had filled her in. Mary didn't tell her about her nightmares. They were too dark and terrified her.

The one that most commonly came, was of her killing one of the boys that went to Baxter High and then summoning thirteen dead witches. Then it cut to Sabrina and her in the woods with a book. She was tempting Sabrina. Then it was of her killing a pizza boy, eating him. It mortified her. Watching as she ate organs of a young boy. The last thing that popped into her nightmare, was her in front of a young girl...Lilith... next thing she knew, a pair of scissors were jabbed into her neck. The pain felt real. The blood rushing down her wool sweater felt real. Her eyes clouded over and she hit the floor. A buzzing noise rang in her ears. She didn't die in the nightmare though. She just felt the pain of her dying. The scissors cutting into her flesh and her warm blood spread across her skin.
She was able to move her head. Looking up, she was caught with the face of Lilith. Green and smooth. Razor teeth and skulls for eyes. This is when Mary always woke up. This particular nightmare terrified her.

She walked down the dark hall and into the night. The night always calmed her. The cool wind helped her cool off.

Zelda woke up and sighed. This happened almost every night. Zelda would wake up to her love gone. Nothing but sweaty sheets left. Zelda knew she would be somewhere in the house. Most nights, she locked herself in the bathroom.

Throwing on her robe, Zelda walked around the house. The bathroom was empty and the kitchen was dark. Sometimes she would sit at the dining table and cry. Mary never told her why. But Zelda knew it had something to do with her coming back.

Opening the front door, Zelda sighed at seeing Mary on the bench. Her thin white nighty stuck to her.
Mary turned and softly smiled.
"Go back to bed. I'll be there soon." Zelda shook her head and sat down. Wrapping the woman in a tight embrace.

"What's happening?" Mary looked up at her, tears in her eyes.

"Please just go back to bed. I don't want to talk about it." Zelda huffed.

"No, Mary. Tell me. What's been happening to you? Does it have something to do with coming back?" Mary hesitated but nodded. Pulling away from Zelda, Mary began to cry.
"Shh. Come here." Zelda held the woman's face into her chest.
Zelda stared off into the night. Mary shook with sobs.
It took Mary some time but she finally wiped at her eyes and looked at Zelda.

"I've been having horrible nightmares. There so scary, Zelda." Zelda felt a tear roll down her cheek. She softly rubbed the exposed skin of Mary's back.
"I assume it's of everything Lilith did. All the things that happened in those six months."
Zelda kissed the side of Mary's head and stroked her damp hair.

"Do you want to talk about what happens in them?" Mary shook her head.

"I just want you to hold me." Zelda held her close, wrapping her arms around Mary's petite form.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

She felt Mary shrug. "I thought I could deal with it myself."

Zelda tsked, "You should tell me anyways. Even if you think you can do it on your own. I can help you." Mary nodded.
"We should go inside. Your freezing."
Mary stood and Zelda walked her back to the bedroom.

Mary curled up against Zelda. Her body heat warming her up immediately.

"If you ever have nightmares, wake me up." Mary nodded.

"Okay. Thank you." Zelda kissed the top of her head.

"Go back to sleep, baby. I love you." Mary hugged her tighter.

"I love you too." Zelda bunched the blanket up around her.

Mary's soft snores filled the room in minutes. Zelda sighed, kissing her head again.
"I'll be here for you...always."

This is shit, I'm well aware.
My friend and I were texting and she fell asleep on me😭. So now I'm EXTREMELY bored.

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