Rosemary pt 2

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Zelda picked Rosemary up and placed her on her lap. Mary sat in one of her overstuffed chairs with her feet up. Vinegar Tom sat on his dog bed, near Mary's discarded loafers. 
Mary was watching the news and Zelda was reading. Rosemary curled up into her lap and made a sighing noise. 

"There is nothing interesting on the telly." Zelda smirked and hummed. 

"Nothing on the news?" 

"Nope. Well other than a grocery shooting in Carverdale and a car accident in Riverdale." Mary turned to look at Zelda and the dog.
"Have a name yet?" 

"Yes I do. My name is Zelda, yours?" Mary scoffed. 

"I mean the puppy!" Mary's slight scottish accent coming out thick. 



"Yes. It combines my favorite flower with my favorite person." Mary awed. 

"I like it." Rosemary closed her eyes, making soft grumble noise. Mary and Zelda laughed. 
"Still mad at me?" 

"No. You were right. Maybe it is time I move on. We don't need Vinnie T out anymore. I have Rosemary to care for now." Mary smiled, sitting up and taking the dog to the other room. 

When she returned, she sat down right beside Zelda. 
"Noticed anything?" 

Zelda raised a brow and looked around. "Oh! Your dolls! There gone." 

Mary nodded. "You were right too."


"Maybe it's time we start up a family. I mean we sorta have Leticia. Her and her brother are orphans but I know we still treat them like ours. I just want to have one that's ours. Remember what Lilith said? I'm here with you forever. We have time now." Zelda set her book on the table. 

"Okay. Yes." They kissed briefly. 

"Think Lilith will bless us?" Zelda nodded. 

"Of course she will."

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