Mary Gets Sick

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It had been days since Zelda has seen her brunette. The days seemed to dull when she wasn't with her. Zelda had grown slightly concerned after three days of not seeing her but assumed the woman was busy and would call once she was free.

 It was now day five of her not calling and Sabrina had mentioned not seeing her at school for the past three days. Zelda had pondered over the idea of going over to the cottage to check on her or staying home and waiting for the brunette to call and reassure Zelda she had just been busy. 

Hilda has mentioned the idea of Zelda visiting after the third day but now she was flat out demanding Zelda go check on her. So that is what she was doing. Zelda had changed into something more appropriate for the extreme cold weather in Greendale. She headed out just after supper. She took the hearse considering she would be a dead woman if she walked even five minutes in this weather. Hilda had sent   homemade cherry pie and cool whip along with her to take to the brunette. It sat in a basket along with fox clove and a bottle of whiskey. Zelda found the items odd, knowing Mary was fine and there was no need for a sleeping position. Well the whiskey counted as one too. 

Zelda drove through the white storm, squinting to see the path in front of her. Mary's house wasn't that far and would only take Zelda five minutes but today it took around ten. 

Once she made it to her destination, she quickly got out of the car, grabbing the basket and her purse. She knocked twice on the door, waiting for a minute or two before knowing again. No answer. Zelda couldn't stand the weather any longer, using her magic to open the door. She slipped inside the warm cottage, shutting the door loud enough to make her appearance known. 

"Mary, dear? I hope I'm not interrupting you on anything but I was quite worried. You haven't called in days. Mary?" Zelda walked through the house towards the bedroom door. She knocked softly, whispering the brunette's name. She heard a sniffle come from inside the room. 

Slowly pushing the door open, Zelda's heart clenched at the sight. Mary was bundled up under blankets, tissue scattered around the floor. Mary looked so small under the blankets, making Zelda recollect a memory of when Sabrina would get the witches flu as a child. 

"Oh Mary." Zelda pulled the covers off of her face to be met with puffy eyes and a red nose. 
"Sweetheart, are you sick?" 

Mary slowly nodded, reaching up for her redhead. Zelda leaned down, kissing Mary's temple. 

"Let's get you up out of this boiling bed. You are dripping in sweat." Mary winced as Zelda threw the covers off of her. 

"I can't believe you're seeing me like this." Mary whispered as Zelda picked her up, bride style. Mary's head rested on Zelda's shoulder while her arms wrapped around her neck. She carried her brunette to the living room, where she set her down, quickly putting a thin blanket over her bare legs. 

"I've brought some fox clove if you're having trouble sleeping and a bottle of whiskey, which won't do you any good, some cherry pie and cool whip Hilda made if you are hungry. Have you eaten anything today? You look so pale. Do you have a headache?" Mary stared at her, a bit flabbergasted Zelda, of all people, was rambling. 

"First off, fox clove? Second off, no I have not eaten and pie sounds fantastic right now and last, yes I do have a slight throb at my temples." 

"How about I put on The Munsters and cut us some pie?" Mary nodded, giving Zelda a quick kiss. Zelda put on Mary's favorite show and then went to the basket. The episode was Don't Bank On Herman when Herman and Grandpa get involved in a robbery after Lily asks them to go to the bank. Mary giggled softly as she watched the episode. Zelda smiled, cutting them two large pieces of pie. She topped each piece off with a bit of Hilda's homemade cool whip. Handing the piece to Mary, the brunette dug in. Moaning at the sweetness of the cherries. 


"Mhm." Mary leaned into Zelda, kissing her jaw. "Are you going to spend the night with me?" 

"Yes of course. I'll be here till you get better." Mary smiled, averting her eyes back to the show. 

Zelda watched her as she ate. Her movements were slow and she sniffled every now and then. When Mary finished her pie, Zelda took their plates, bringing them to the sink. There, she washed the dishes and wiped down the countertop. Zelda turned her head to check on Mary, smiling at the small curled up brunette. Her cheeks and nose was red and her eyes began to flutter shut. 

While Mary slept, Zelda cleaned up the house. She put the kettle on and ran a warm bath. She also began making soup for lunch. She felt satisfied with the work she had been doing. It had been years since she cleaned and cooked for someone. 

When she woke Mary up, the woman was resisting to getting up. Zelda picked her up and brought her to the warm bath awaiting her. She undressed her and placed her in the bath. Zelda helped wash her up until she heard the kettle whistle. 

Zelda left to pour them each a cup of tea. She had added leaves of kava and lavender. Mary drank it rather quickly, relaxing as they warm beverage cleansed her throat. 

"I made us soup for lunch." Mary raised a brow. Yes had only eaten a few hours ago but her nap had made her hungry. 

"What kind of soup?" Zelda smiled, stroking the damp brunette locks. 

"Cream of broccoli." 

"My favorite." Mary smiled, leaning in for a kiss. Zelda gave her one but broke it for the purpose of washing Mary's hair. 

Mary and Zelda ate their soup outside, cuddled under a thick wool blanket. Mary snuggled into Zelda's side as they watched the deer out into the field. 

"Thank you, Zelda… for coming to take care of me." Zelda smiled down at her brunette, giving her a small kiss at the top of her head. 

"You had me worried. I thought you didn't want to see me anymore or something bad had happened to you." Mary looked up at her, eyes wide. 

"I'm sorry. I should have called." Zelda brushed it away with a flick of her wrist. 

"It's alright. I'm here to take care of you now." Mary averted her eyes back to the deer, continuing to rest her head upon Zelda's chest. 
They watched the deer until they disappeared into the woods. Once they had went back inside, Zelda put on an old Hollywood movie Mary liked. They cuddled up to the fire, back under the thick blanket. They stayed there, heavy eyelids and small sleepy kisses. They hadn't seen the last of the movie for they had fallen asleep in each other's brace. 

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