Shared Kingdom

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Zelda was thinking about Lilith...again. The woman had been practically burned into her mind and that's all she ever thought about these days. Zelda sat up in bed, looking around the room...her room. Hilda moving out and into a new bedroom left Zelda feeling lonely, but she would never admit that.

Zelda walked over the window of her bedroom. She opened the curtains and stared out into the cold April night. Light rain hit the window and a soft fog covered the graveyard in front of the mortuary. Zelda stared at her own reflection till her eyes averted to something far into the distance. The figure of Lilith standing at the property line brought a smile to play at Zelda's lips. She could see Lilith smirk and wave for her to come to her. Zelda nodded and closed the curtains again.

She didn't even bother to change. Zelda walked carefully down the staircase and into the parlor. She looked for her black fur jacket but couldn't find it. Draped over one of the chairs, was Hilda's burgundy cardigan. Zelda grabbed it and threw it on. It looked ridiculous over her mustard yellow silk nightgown. The nightgown came down to just below her knees.
Opening the door, very carefully, Zelda stepped out into the cold night. She could see her breath and shivered.

Walking through the damp grass in her night slipped, Zelda made her way towards Lilith.
Anticipation caught Zelda's breath in her throat as she reached the property line.

"Lilith." Zelda whispered. Lilith just smiled and reached out her hand. Zelda gladly took it.

The demoness lead her through the woods, lantern in her left hand. Zelda didn't know what was happening but her mind was focused on the warmth of Lilith's hand.

Zelda winced as a sharp stick cut her ankle. Lilith looked down at the blood trickling down the porcelain skin.
They continued walking into the deep forest, Zelda ignoring the slight pain in her ankle.

"Where are we going?" Lilith looked back at the redhead and smiled.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head off. Just follow me. You trust me, don't you?" Zelda gulped and nodded. Lilith's piercing blue eyes bore into her. Her blood red lips curved into a smirk. Once Lilith turned her head back to the path, Zelda felt like she could breathe again.

The call of a short eared owl made Zelda turn her head. The night felt as if it was swallowing her; closing her in. But Zelda was with Lilith. She felt safe with Lilith.

They walked past a small creek. Zelda stopped to walk through it, clearing the blood from her foot. The moonlight lit the water up and Zelda could see the traces of her blood wash away.

They continued on the path and the view grew more familiar. The fox den in the hill that a weeping willow tree's leaves hung down to cover it. The creek curved away from the path.

Patches of flowers lined the way. Zelda breathed in the scent of the purple throatwort flowers as they passed.

"Watch out for the larkspur. They are poisonous." Zelda hummed.

"Having Hilda for a sister, I tend to know alot about flowers and plants. No need to warn me." Zelda heard Lilith chuckle.

"You know, you look beautiful tonight. Even in Hilda's cardigan." Zelda blushed a deep shade of red. Praise Lilith the woman couldn't see her blush.

The trail grew darker and more familiar. Suddenly Zelda knew where they were. Lilith shawn the light on a sign and Zelda gulped. They stood in front of the mine. The mine that held the Gates Of Hell.

"Stick beside me at all costs." Zelda tightened her grip on Lilith's hand as she lead her through the mine. It was dark and spooky. Zelda was latching onto Lilith as they walked. Lilith looked back at her every once in awhile to give her a reassuring smile.

"Why are we here?" Lilith ignored the question and continued to lead the way. Zelda gulped again once they got to where it lead to the gates.
"Why. Are. We. Here.?" Lilith looked back at Zelda.

"Follow me, my dear." Zelda blushed and held onto Lilith. That shut her up. Lilith thought at the expression that crossed over Zelda's face.

Lilith lead them to the gates and stopped in front of them.
"Zelda, my dear. I have something to ask you."

Zelda stared at the gates, transfixed.
"What is it?"

"Will you, Zelda Phiona Spellman, join me by my side to rule over Hell. You may remain High Priestess but would also join me in Hell for the most of your time. You of course would be able to come to Earth to visit family." Lilith took Zelda's hands into her own and pulled the woman close. "Will you marry me?"

Zelda was shocked. She had no clue what to say. They haven't even kissed. Of course she wanted to be with her but this was so sudden. Ruling over Hell with Lilith seemed to only be a dream. Yes. Yes. Yes. Zelda thought. If she could see her family and still remain High Priestess, then why not?

Zelda took a deep breath and whispered "yes."
Lilith smiled wide and gentle pressed their lips together. It was the gentlest kiss Zelda had ever had and didn't expect that from Lilith.

Pulling away, the two smiled at one another. The gates opened behind Lilith and Zelda stared out into the orange glow that spread across the walls of the mine.

Lilith turned around, still holding Zelda's right hand. Lilith's golden crown materialized onto her head as they walked into their shared kingdom.

This was inspired by artwork from @cleocatart on Instagram. She drew a beautiful drawing of Lilith and Zelda walking into the Gates Of Hell and I had to right a fic inspired by it. Seriously, go follow her. Her MadamSpellman (all of her art too) is so beautiful.

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