Diner Coffee

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I'm sorry but I'm on a role today! I feel as if I've been writing too much Spellwell so here is another MadamSpellman! Enjoy! P.s. this is set as if they never figured out Ms. Wardwell was actually Lilith and Sabrina wasn't the daughter of Satan.

Zelda sat at the vintage diner, eating her breakfast. Maple bacon, two fried eggs, hash browns, french toast and a coffee with two sugars. It was a bright summer day and the smell of coffee and cigarettes filled the diner. Red leather seats and mint blue tables lined up in neat rows. Zelda grabbed one of the yellow shakers, the one with pepper, and sprinkled it lightly on her eggs and hashbrowns. She stirred her coffee and took a long sip. Honey bee by Trista Mateer sat, bookmarked, beside her. 

The large red bell that hung above the door, rang. Someone walked in. Zelda almost froze when she heard the familiar clicking of heels against the wooden floor of the diner. 

"Ms. Spellman? What a surprise." Zelda looked up at the woman leaning against the booth across from her. 

"Always a pleasure to see you, Ms. Wardwell." The brunette smirked. 

"What brings you here?" 

"I could ask you the same thing." Ms. Wardwell didn't move. She stayed leaning against the booth, left arm draped across the top. 

"You can sit down or fuck off. You choose." The woman raised a brow, smirk remaining as she sat across from Zelda. The waitress immediately walking towards her. 

"Can I get you anything?" Ms. Wardwell gave her the fakest smile Zelda had ever seen but it passed by the waitress. 

"I'll take a coffee, two sugars and…a small plate of crepes...with strawberries." Zelda glanced at her through hooded eyelids. 

The waitress left and Ms. Wardwell stared at Zelda as she sipped her coffee. 

"Ms. Wardwell-" 

"Mary. You may call me Mary." Zelda smiled tight lipped. 

"Well, Mary, what's your business with my niece?" Mary rested her hands on the table, playing with a silver ring on her middle finger, right hand. 

"I'm Sabrina's teacher and-" 

"Cut the crap. What do you want with my niece?" Mary opened her mouth but it was cut short with the waitress setting her coffee down on the table with two sugars on the side. 

"Thanks." The waitress eyed Zelda and walked away. 

Mary's kind smile faltered and her eyes pierced Zelda with daggers. "You already know, Zelda. I explained it to you and your sister in your parlor the night of the exorcism. Don't believe me...that's your call. But I'm not going away...not for a very long time." Mary smiled again. Zelda wanted to wipe that smile right off her face but remained calm. 

"Than I guess we'll have to get used to each other, hm?" Mary nodded in agreement. 

Zelda took her time eating and felt those piercing blue eyes boring into her as she ate. 

Soon, Mary's food arrived and the two ate in silence. It was surprisingly relaxing. Zelda didn't know if it was the quiet diner or the woman across from her but she got a sudden feeling of peace. The first feeling of true peace since Sabrina was born. 

"This is quite lovely." Zelda looked up at the brunette, who looked genuine. There was no fake smile or smirk. It was a look of genuine peacefulness. 

"It is." The two shared a smile. 

"Sabrina is such a smart girl. I'm glad I have her as my student." Zelda smiled proudly. Mortal school wasn't important to Zelda but it was nice to hear Sabrina was doing well. 

"She is. I want her to direct that more to her satanic studies though." Mary nodded in agreement. 

"That would be the idea, yes. See Zelda, I don't want us to be enemies. We are on the same side here. We both want her to follow the path of night and go to the Academy. I think we should help each other out here." Zelda hesitated but nodded. 

"I'll think about it." 

The two left the diner together, walking side beside. 
Mary's car was parked out back, where Zelda's was parked in front. 
Mary turned to her, a small smile playing at her lips. 

"See you around, Zelds." To Zelda's surprise, she didn't mind Mary calling her that. 

"Bye." Mary turned and walked away towards her car. Zelda stood there, smiling. 
Zelda still wondered who this woman was and wanted to know more. Maybe they should help each other in getting Sabrina to follow the path of night. She was already signed but Zelda knew Sabrina wanted to remain in the middle. Balanced. But it was impossible. Maybe Mary Wardwell was her key in getting Sabring to fully walk down the right path. 

Mary stopped, as if she heard Zelda's thoughts, and maybe she did. The woman turned slightly, revealing only half of her face, framed by the mass of brunette locks. And what Zelda saw in her eyes was something far from the usual blue. No, she wasn't a witch. Not a mortal but something entirely different. 

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