Snowball Fight!

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Zelda drove through the thick snow, swearing everytime she hit a bump. She was on her way to Mary's house, who didn't live far but the snow made it impossible to get there. Her thick emerald coloured coat with brown fur clung to her, warming her up. But the fact that she was wearing a matching skirt and heels, didn't help much. Her leather gloves making it impossible to turn the wheel. 

She pulled up into Mary's driveway, raising a brow. There were large piles of snow everywhere in Mary's front lawn. Zelda parked and stared at one of the piles. They looked like shields. Suddenly, Mary's little head popped up from one of them. Her hair in a bun at the top of her head. Pink fuzzy earmuffs on and no glasses. She wore her large navy coat. Zelda cackled at the very wide smile she wore, teeth fully showing. 

Zelda stepped out of the car. "What are you doing!?" 

"Come closer." Zelda hesitated but came closer. All of a sudden, a large snowball hit her. 
She gasped. 

"Why did you do that!?" 

Mary stood. She opened her arms, looking a bit like jesus with the bright sun behind her. 
"Hit me, bitch." Zelda was shocked but bent to pick up a ball of snow. Mary quickly ran behind another shield. Zelda looked back up and got, surprisingly, very scared. 

Zelda nervously crept around, looking behind some of the shields. A snowball hit her. Zelda jumped and turned. She couldn't see the woman, the shields were too big and Mary was so small. 

Another snowball hit her. Zelda jumped again. Zelda was in sheer fear at this point. 

"Mary! I hate this!" Another snowball came from behind her. Zelda kicked down one of the shields. 
Mary popped up, "Hey! I worked hard at that!" She threw another snowball. By the time Zelda threw hers, Mary was already down. Zelda stormed over to where she last saw Mary and peeked over. She wasn't there. 

"Fuck!" Zelda looked around and saw a glimpse of brunette hair. She grabbed a chunk of snow and marched over. Dumping the snow over what she thought was Mary's head. She looked over to see a wig...yes a fucking wig...stuck to the snow. Then she was pelted with snowballs.
"You little shit!" 
Zelda ducked, pushing the wig away from her face. 

"Come on! You can try harder than that!" Zelda stood. Mary stood behind one, facing her. Two snowballs were in her hands. 

"Number one, how do you get around that fast? Number two, how do you throw so well?" 

Mary shrugged. "Practised a lot when I was younger. Used to throw snowballs at people in the park and then hide. Never got caught." Zelda smiled. 

"I'm freezing! Can we stop this?" Mary shook her head. 

"No, dear. You have to hit me first...or until I get you in the face." Zelda groaned. 
"Come on! You can hit me!" 

"No I can't!" 

"Then looks like you'll have to stand still." Mary threw a snowball at her. Zelda ducked. It skimmed the top of her head. 

"Mary Wardwell!" 

"I'll give you a free throw? I'll stand here and not move." Zelda picked up a chunk of snow and made it into a ball. She threw as hard as she could but missed by a long shot. It hit the deck, making a pretty much perfect circle of snow. Mary smirked. 

"I suck at this! I never did this as a kid!" 

"Really? Did you even have a childhood?" 

"I'm a witch! None of us did this." Zelda looked almost sad to Mary. 

"Come on give it another go! You got this!" Zelda took another chunk of snow. A bigger chunk. 
She threw it. It hit the snow a few feet away from Mary. 
"One more time!" 

Zelda grabbed a smaller chunk. Making a tight small snowball. She threw it and it almost hit her. It landed right beside her. 

"That was good! Ready to get pelted with snowballs now?" Zelda shook her head and ducked. She didn't move. She needed to let Mary win so they could go inside. 

Mary walked around the shield and sighed. 
"I'm sorry it's come to this. You know I love you but it needs to be done." Zelda closed her eyes. She squealed and jumped when she felt the cold snow hit her cheek. 

Mary hugged her, "Let's go inside, Far Shot." 

"Shut up!" 
Mary chuckled, bringing the redhead inside for a cup of hot cocoa. 

Mary is adorable. I can just imagine her little head coming up around a big pile of snow with pink earmuffs on.
Also, yes this is the snowball fight from last one-shot

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