Meekwell Part 2

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After they finished the shared plate of eggs, toast and bacon Evaline had made, they curled up by the fire. 

"Thank you, Eva. I'm happy I have you." Mary whispered against her neck. Her breath was cold like how a corpse's would be if only a corpse could breathe. Evaline pulled Mary closer. Mary's face pressed deeper into her long pale neck. 

"Yes, Mary?" 

"Could you… stay here for a little while?" Mary pulled back so their eyes could meet. Evaline couldn't get over how blue Mary's eyes were. Her eyes were blue as well but they were like the sea while Mary's were as blue as the sky. 

"What's a 'little while'?" 

"Forever. Stay forever. I can't live on my own." Fresh tears dripped from Mary's eyes as she stared deep into Evaline's. Evaline smiled and it was  sweet. 

"Of course. I'll be here with you as long as you need." Mary smiled and without thinking, she leaned in. The kiss was soft and gentle. When Mary pulled away, they were both bright red and smiling wide. 

"Thank you, Eva." Mary whispered before hiding her face back into the blonde's neck. Evaline stared into the fire and for only a second, did she think she had seen two blue eyes looking back at her. 

Evaline brought Mary to bed, tucking her in and placing a small kiss to her forehead. Before she left the room, she heard a soft voice telling her to come back. Evaline slept in Mary's bed that night, holding the woman close. Mary's head rested on Evaline's chest, her right hand intertwined with Evaline's left. 

The sun beams shone through the window, cascading down onto the two sleeping women. Evaline awoke first, but didn't dare to move. She was caught up in the moment of having the woman she had fallen in love with, laying on her chest. Mary's soft snores and the birds outside were the only sounds. Mary stirred a few times but ended up sleeping for three more hours. Evaline lay awake, holding the woman close to her. She looked down upon her face and smiled. Her rosy cheeks and bare thin lips. Her long eyelashes and high cheekbones. Her perfect jawline and long messy hair. These were all things Evaline loved. There were many more things Evaline loved about the woman but it would take her forever to list every one of them. 

Mary stirred once more before her eyes fluttered open. She smiled up at Evaline, making the blonde's heart melt. 

Breakfast went well and they had both taken showers. Evaline cancelled work for the both of them. They cuddled by the fire all day, enjoying tea and almond cookies together. They had played a few card games and even braided each other's long silky hair. 

Once the pale moon rose into the sky, the two women kissed passionately, the warmth from the fire dancing across their nude bodies. Mary curled against Evaline after they had made love for a few hours. The thick fur blanket and Lilith's fire kept them warm through the night. 

I'm thinking of writing a Meekwell fic but that's if I can ever fckin finish my other fics. Please roll your eyes at me as much as you want.

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