I ♡ You

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Mary was having a particularly bad day. First, she woke up late, which never happens. Second, she forgot to pick up her favorite morning coffee from the store. Third being forgetting to lock the door when she left, having to drive 20 minutes back to her house just to lock the door. Fourth was stubbing her toe on her desk the minute she got into her office. Fifth, she forgot her binders in the car and had to go grab them. Sixth, spilling the small cup of cafeteria coffee on her binder, lucky nothing got too ruined. Seventh, the small sips she took of the coffee, before it spilled, gave her an upset stomach. She wasn't aloud to leave early had had to suffer the whole day from server stomach cramps. 

When she finally got home, Zelda was there to soothe her and listen about how horrible her day was. 

The next day...wasn't any better. She woke up a few minutes later than she normally did. Entering the kitchen, she saw Zelda had bought her morning coffee for her before she left to the mortuary. She didn't stub her toe but did get a paper cut while sorting through files. Later on, she realized Zelda had packed her favorite lunch; a turkey sandwich, an apple, a container of raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries. Plus, a small carton of coconut water. This made Mary smile, forgetting about the paper cut. 

A fight broke out in the hallway at lunch and Mary, being the principal now, thanks to Lilith, had to break it up. Two older boys were throwing fists and didn't realize it was her till one of the boys struck her. He hit her in the jaw, not too hard but it was aching immediately. The boys stopped and backed away. Mary, never being a particularly angry person, yelled at them to go sit in her office. The boys practically ran there. 

Mary sat at her desk, Mrs. Meeks assisting with the ice pack on her jaw, talking to the two boys. She suspended the boy who didn't hit her and expelled the boy who did, apparently who was the one who started the fight. Mrs. Meeks held the ice pack to her jaw as she phoned the both boys' parents. 

The last thing she wanted was to see Sabrina in her office, complaining about something minor. She complained about everything. Mary had told her time and time again that she was doing everything she could to fulfill the needs of her and others. The girl was her niece now but she was so hard to deal with. 

The parents from the boy she suspended dropped by to argue with her. They questioned her about the ice pack and she told them everything she knew about the situation. The parents were still furious. Mary explained it was an in school suspension but the other boy was expelled. 

Mary taught three classes, marked two stacks of tests and then was able to go home. She grabbed her books, threw on her coat and grabbed a new ice pack. She said goodbye and a thank you to Mrs. Meeks. 

Driving down the road that led to the small cottage, and if you turned right, the mortuary, Mary turned on the radio.
Somebody To Love by Queen came on and she turned the song up a bit. 

Mary glanced up at the rear view mirror, missing the dear trying to cross the road. She slammed on her breaks, stopping right in front of the deer. The deer took off running and Mary took a deep breath. Just with my fucking luck! 

She continued driving and was relieved to make it home. She grabbed her binders and bag, slamming the car door behind her. She made her way to the door, reaching for her keys. They slipped out of her hand. Bending down to pick them up, she dropped two binders. Mary sighed, unlocking the door and picking the binders back up. 

Entering the house, she was surprised at how dark it was. A few candles were lit in her seating area and, from what she could see, in the kitchen. Mary set her bag down beside her shoes. Removing her coat, hanging it, she made her way to the kitchen. 

"Zelda?" Mary entered the kitchen, looking for the redhead. No one was there. But what was there, surprised her. 

A small red velvet cake, an uneven circle, set on her floral china. There were lit candles stuck in the cake, spelling out, I ♡ You. 

Mary smiled, but she was still confused. A warm hand was placed on her hip, making her turn her head. Zelda held her close, gently kissing her neck. 

"What's this all about?" Mary gestured to the cake. 

"I'm sorry you had a bad day yesterday. Was today any better?" Mary shook her head. 

"Got a paper cut, loved the lunch by the way, for punched in the face, dealt with one of Sabrina's small issues and-" 

"Wait...you got punched!" Zelda turned Mary's face towards her, looking for any damage. Her jaw was swollen and a bruise was forming. 

Mary bit her lip, "I dealt with it. It was a fight. Two boys. I had a chat with the parents. One suspended, the other expelled." Zelda brushed her thumb other the woman's jaw. 

"I baked you that cake today. I'm not as good as you or Hilda but I really tried." Mary smiled, staring at the cake. Tears filled her eyes. 

"You did all this? Because I had a bad day?" Zelda nodded. Mary hugged her, "Thank you." 

Zelda grabbed the cake, cutting two pieces off, practically half the cake. She puts them both on plates and hands one to Mary. 

They walked into the sitting room, Zelda saying, "Now tell me about this fight." 

I'm trying to write more one-shots but I'm just not inspired! I've been using Pinterest for inspiration lol.

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