Cigarettes In The Parking Lot

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Zelda was walking back from the Academy. She didn't have the energy to transport herself home and didn't bring her car. There was no point in calling Hilda because everyone in the Spellman residence was asleep by now. She had just had a late night meeting with Lilith to discuss the bible Zelda was writing. It was currently 12:46 am and it was incredibly dark. The dark never scared Zelda but for some reason she felt on edge.  

Zelda walked through town, binders tucked between her right arm and chest. The yellow glow of the street lamps illuminated the sidewalk and nothing but the sidewalk. A few lights from 24 hour business were on but that didn't do much. Greendale was pretty silent after 11:00 pm. The town practically grew dead. 

Coming across a large parking lot, Zelda realized there was only one car. A figure leaned against the car, a soft smoke left the figure's lips. Zelda walked a little closer. She was curious to see who was out this late at night. Probably just a teenager. 
Zelda noticed the car and recognized it. 
The car had been at Cerberus's many times. The parking lot of Baxter High. 
Even at the movie theater. 
Has to be a teenager. 
Then the glow of the yellow street lamp hit the figure's face and Zelda nearly gasped. 
Mary Wardwell. 

Zelda made her way towards the woman. 
"Ms. Wardwell?" 
Zelda said as she got closer to the woman. 

The woman turned and smiled. It was a sad smile. Zelda noted the cigarette between her fingers. 
"Ms. Spellman. Hi...uh...can't believe you caught me and my nasty habit."

"We share the same nasty habit." Zelda leaned against the car. A sniffle came from the woman as she released another cloud of smoke. 
"Ms. Wardwell, are you alright?" Zelda noticed how her cheeks were red and stained with tears. 

"No...far from it." Mary stared out into the night as she finished off her smoke. 

"Why are you out here so late?" 

"I could say the same for you." Mary dropped the cigarette and crushed it into the ground with the heel of her loafer.

"Late night meeting. Didn't bring the car so I was walking home." Mary turned to face the redhead. 

"Need a ride?" Zelda smiled and nodded. Mary opened her car door and Zelda went around the other side. 

Getting in, Zelda stared at the woman. She looked as if she had been crying her eyes out for hours. Her face was red and her lips were swollen. Her eyes bloodshot and puffy. 

"Let's just sit here before we take off." Mary nodded and relaxed into her seat. 



Mary turned on the radio and Movement by Hozier filled the small car. 
"Now tell me, why were you crying?" 
Mary turned her head and tried to force a smile but it looked like it just made her tear up. 

"I just found out my fiance returned two months ago and I have no clue where he is. I think he left me in the...the gap between those two months." Zelda took in a deep breath. 

"You don't remember?" 

"Can't remember the past six months. I have no recollection of them and I know I sound crazy but-" 

"No. You don't sound crazy." Mary looked at Zelda and actually smiled. 

"It feels nice to talk about it to someone." Zelda smiled back. 

"I'm always around. Need to talk, drop by the mortuary." Mary looked down at her hands nervously. 

"I'm just scared it will happen again." Zelda felt horrible for the woman sitting beside her. 

An impulse decision made Zelda cup Mary's face and gently kiss her. 
Pulling away, Zelda whispered, "I won't let that happen." 

Mary bit her lip, an impish look crossed over her features. 
"I don't think you can stop that." 

"I'll try. If you allow me." Mary nodded in Zelda's hands. Zelda pulled away and turned the music up a bit. 

"Which way to the mortuary?"

"Go all the way out of town and then down Hollows Drive." Mary raised a brow and then smirked. 

"I live down Harvest Drive. Only a few streets from where you are." Zelda smirked, leaning in for another kiss. 

"Are you that old cottage with the bushes at the sides?" Mary nodded. 

"That's me. Lived there for over thirty years." Zelda wondered how the two had never bumped into each other. Zelda rarely went into town but it was still odd. She knew almost everyone in town but never heard of Mary Wardwell till she caught Lilith strutting down their stairs. 

"Lived here your whole life?" Mary shook her head. 

"Nope. Lived in Scotland till I was five then I moved to Maine and lived there for eight years. It's not far from here. My dad had to move to Riverdale for work and my mother and I decided to go with him. But Riverdale was full of crime so my mom and I moved to the closest town which was Greendale." An affiliative smile on Mary's face told Zelda that it must have been hard leaving her dad in Riverdale. 

"Did you see him alot?" Mary shook her head. 

"No, he ended up getting shot three months after we moved out here." Zelda took the woman's hand into her own and gently squeezed it. 

"That's so sad. I'm sorry." Mary smiled a bit happier now. 

"Let's pay attention to the music, shall we?" Zelda nodded in agreement. 

Arriving at the mortuary, Zelda sighed. 
"This is it then." 

"Sure is. Have a good night, Zelda." Zelda kissed the woman again and handed her a small piece of paper. Her card. "See you around." 

 "Night, Mary." 
Zelda stepped out of the car and closed the door. She started making her way towards the front steps when Mary called out, "Are you free next saturday?" 

Zelda turned and nodded. "I'm free whenever. Unless there is a funeral." Mary smiled and nodded, putting the car in reverse. 

Zelda walked up the steps of the porch and into the house. Putting her binders and bible down, Zelda went to the kitchen. Turning the tap, Zelda washed her hands. 
Turning off the tap, Zelda flicked her wrists, remaining drops of water falling into the sink. 

She leaned against the counter and looked out the window. The moonlight casting through the window and hitting their family table. Zelda sighed. 'See you around'...I sure hope so. 

Okay, I'll stop. I just had the urge to write this. I've also added pictures to the top of all the one-shots for no actual reason. Tell me what you think of this!

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