Stormy Nights By The Fire

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Zelda ran her fingers through the brunette locks tickling her chest. The fire light illuminated the small cottage and their bodies as they lay on the couch, nude. 

Zelda's fingertips danced across Mary's perfect skin. 

"Your so beautiful, Mary." Zelda whispered in the mane of hair. Mary looked up and smiled wide. 

The storm outside picked up and the rain grew heavy. The power had gone out well over an hour ago and they only had the fireplace. April storms were not uncommon in Greendale. They happened all the time but they rarely closed the roads when the storms occurred. 

Zelda tightened her grip around Mary's waist as a flash of lightning illuminated the room. 

"I can't believe your scared of lightning." 

"I'm not scared. It's just...a minor inconvenience." Mary giggled. 

"Who would have ever guessed that Zelda Spellman was scared of lightning." Zelda rolled her eyes. Mary turned over, chin on Zelda's chest. 

"Whatever." Zelda pulled the woman's face up towards hers to pepper her with kisses. 

"More wine?" Zelda nodded and Mary got up off of her. Stretching and then walking to the wine cabinet, Mary grabbed her last bottle of red wine. She poured them both a glass and walked back to Zelda. 
She handed her the glass and took a seat at the end of the couch. 

"What do you want to do all night?" Zelda smirked, Mary scoffed. 
"Zelda! No! I mean other than that." Mary playfully swatted Zelda's leg. 

"We could lay here and talk? That's really all we have got to do." Mary nodded. 

"Favorite literature?" Mary leaned against the left arm rest, crossing her legs under her. 

"Really? What is this 100 questions?" Mary raised a brow, waiting for an answer. 
"Horror and poetry." Mary nodded in agreement. 

"Mine too. What about authors? I adore Bram Stoker and H.P. Lovecraft." 
Zelda sat up against the other arm rest. 

"Same here. Edgar Allan Poe is one of my all time favorites too. I have loads of horror books in our library. Everything from Stephen King to Shirley Jackson to H.P Lovecraft." This peeked Mary's interest. 

"I must check it out. Haven't seen much of your residence." Zelda chuckled and reached for Mary's foot. Wrapping her fingers around the thin ankle and pulled at her. Mary giggled and set her wine glass down. 
Zelda did the same. 

Mary climbed back on top of her, soft breasts pushing together. Mary's brunette locks tickled the side of Zelda's face as she rested her head on the woman's chest. Wrapping her arms around Zelda, Mary closed her eyes. It was so peaceful in the little cottage, other than the occasional thunder or lightning. 

Zelda watched as the rain tapped at the window and the trees blew, swaying side to side. Running a hand through the soft brunette curls, Zelda closed her eyes and drifted to sleep. 

Zelda woke up and instantly checked the grandfather clock. 3:48 am. Zelda turned to look outside the window and was happy to see the storm cleared up a bit. Mary's soft snores, the ticking of the grandfather clock, the rain hitting the window and the crackling of the dying fire were the only sounds throughout the cottage. 
"Mary? Mary. Mary." The brunette stured and grumbled. 
"Wake up. Mary." 

Mary's eyes fluttered open, making Zelda let out a sigh. 

"It's nearly four. I don't feel like going back to sleep. Stay up with me?" Mary sighed and nodded. She slowly sat up from off of Zelda and reached for something to cover her nude, cold body. Zelda's black velvet shawl lay on the floor and she grabbed it. Wrapping the thin but warm fabric around her, she tucked her legs back under her in a cross legged position. 

"Let me red-light the fire." Zelda got up and put more logs onto the fire. Snapping her fingers, the fire grew larger. Zelda sat back and called Mary over. 

Mary slid off the couch and cuddled up to Zelda's side. Zelda grabbed one of the small blankets from the chair, through it over both of them. 

"Tonight has been wonderful." 

"It sure has." Mary stared into the fire, it's heat warming her skin. 

"I want more nights like this to share with you." Zelda whispered into Mary's hair and felt the woman nod. 

"I would like that." Looking up, her blue eyes met green ones and they kissed. Soft and tender. Their relationship had begun as bright and fast as the lightning Zelda was too stubborn to admit she was afraid of. Now it was growing fast like the flames of the fire they sat curled by. Everything was finally falling in place for the both of them. 

Can I just say how gay I am? Like this made my heart leap in gay joy. I have a problem and I need to stop writing but I can't because it takes me so long to think of things to write. It's currently 1:05 am where I am and I need sleep but I have more ideas!!
I know this one was super short and probably shit but it's 1 am! You can't blame me!

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