Simply Marvelous

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Zelda sat opposite from Lilith, chess board in the middle of the table. They were playing but stopped once Lilith won for the third time in a row. They had been talking for at least two hours now. That's what had been happening recently. Lilith would visit Zelda at her office and they would talk till Zelda had to head back to the mortuary.
"I like what you did with the office." Zelda smiled as she watched Lilith looking around. Zelda had replaced all of Faustus' black furniture with vintage couches and chairs made from purple silk. She replaced the desk with a similar one but it fit better with the decor. She took all of Faustus' books and knickknacks with her own. Satanic bibles were burned and replaced with the new Bible Of Lilith. Satanic paintings were replaced with paintings of Lilith or of lighter subjects. Rather than dark paintings of Hell, they were floral and vibrant with colour. A large portrait of Zelda hung to the right of her office desk and a painting of her and her family hung to her left. A large painting of Lilith sitting on her throat hung at the far right corner while bookshelves were on the left. Blood red satin curtains hung from the window behind her desk. The decor of the whole Academy was changed. Instead of the Judas statue, that Prudence had destroyed, there was a statue of Lilith. Zelda had found it strange that Lilith requested all the paintings and statues to be done of her in Mary Wardwell's form. Zelda had never seen the true face of Lilith and decided not to ask.

"Thank you. I thought I would clean out all of Faustus' stuff and replace everything. I couldn't bare looking at the paintings of Sa-...Him." Lilith smiled, but it was tight.

"You've done so much for me...thank you." Zelda smiled and fought the urge to touch Lilith's hand from across the table. Zelda had been fighting this urge a lot recently.
At first, Zelda had just thought it was her love for power drawing her to the woman but that wasn't the case at all. She felt a deep desire for Lilith and not the power she held. Yes, being intimate with the Queen Of Hell would be a dream but Zelda truly liked Lilith for who she was.

"Well, as your High Priestess, that's my job. To make sure you have a solid religion and have devoted followers." Lilith smiled and moved the chess board aside, considering they weren't playing anymore.
"How are things in Hell?"

"Still have demons resisting but I've established my power and have a few lords on my side. Asmodeus, Beezlebub, Purson, Leviathan, Baal, Belphegor, Vine, and Balam. Some dukes as well, such as Amdusias, Valefar, Eligos, Focalor, Vual, and Gremory. There are many more. I'm glad I have men...demons on my side. Of course the demoness have been fine with the fact another demoness rules over now."

"Such as?"
Lilith smiled and leaned forward.

"Lilin, Churel, Lilitu and my lilim. The Estries have also supported me as queen. Many succubi and incubi stand beside me as well." Zelda leaned back into her chair. It was crazy that all demons and demonesses originally came from Lilith. She was the center of it all. How could her own children turn their back on her?

"Well, we haven't lost many members of the church. Only a few men but the students have been very open to the idea of following you."

"Zelda...I am so proud of you. You have done so much. Taking up this job was a big task. Having to build an entire religion and write a bible for the followers is something only a strong woman like you can fulfill. I know we haven't been on best terms. And I know we aren't bffs but I truly respect you and I couldn't have asked for anyone better to represent me here on Earth." Zelda felt tears sting her eyes at Lilith's words.

Instead of saying anything, Zelda leaped over the table and pressed her lips to Lilith's.
Lilith froze. Zelda instantly pulled away and pushed back into her chair. She looked away from Lilith, not wanting to see her reaction.

Lilith sat frozen. She was in a state of shock. She didn't hate the fact Zelda kissed her. Actually, she was happy Zelda made the first move. She wanted more. Lilith wanted another kiss and that's why she got up and went around the table. Lilith took Zelda's face between her hands and kissed her. The kiss was gentle but Lilith couldn't stop herself from pushing her tongue inside Zelda's mouth. Their mouths moved unison until Lilith pulled away to catch her breath.

"Zelda, I want you." Zelda took in a big breath of air.

"I want you too." Zelda sat up, pulling Lilith towards the couch.
Lilith laid on top of her, not before stripping her dress away. Zelda shimmied out of her skirt and unbuttoned her blazer. Lilith straddled her hips, unclipping her own bra, then unclipping Zelda's.

Their lips met again in a passionate kiss, tongues tangling and teeth grazing sensitive lips. Lilith pulled away and stared down at the redhead. Zelda got lost in those crystal blue eyes. Everything outside that office faded away and Zelda knew, this was the start of something simply marvelous.

I'm sorry for this one. I wrote this at 2:00am. I have more one-shots coming your way. What inspired this one-shot was a manip by @madamspellmanfan on Instagram. It's of Lilith and Zelda playing chess. It's so cute and I had to do something with it.
Remember to give me ideas because my brain is so bad at making up fic ideas.

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