A Thanksgiving Date For Mary

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"You know, You need a date." Mary looked up from her knitting, brows raised. 

"A date?" 

"Yes! You're single and… ready to mingle." Mary rolled her eyes at the demoness who was draped across her couch, brady in hand. 

"I think you've had a bit too much alcohol." Lilith made a small grunt of disagreement. 

"Come on, Mary! How about this," Lilith sat up, facing the woman now. 
"I'll get you a date." 

Mary burst out laughing, tears almost hitting her eyes. "Oh please! Where are you going to get me a date!? If you think Hell is a good place to look, let it be known that I will not go out with a demoness!" Lilith frowned at this. 

"I wasn't thinking Hell. I was thinking some place else like," Lilith leaned back, "Riverdale or something." 

"Lilith, I don't need a date nor do I think you could ever get me one." Lilith raised a brow. 

"Really? Well how about we make this a bet?" Mary cocked her head to the side, slowly glancing up at the demoness. 

"What kind of bet?" 

"Well, as you know, Thanksgiving is approaching. If I can't get you a date for the holiday then…" Lilith thought of something Mary might like. "Then I'll buy you those pearl gold earrings I saw you eyeing the other day plus I'll stay out of your house." Mary bobbed her head side to side, thinking it over. 

"But what happens if you do get me a date?" 

"If I do get you a date then… you have to let me stay here, in your cottage." Mary sighed, giving Lilith an unpleased look. 

"But you practically already live here! You are always here!" 

"Yes but I want you to formally welcome me to stay here." Mary bit the inside of her cheek.

"Fine. I'm only agreeing to this because I know you can't get me a date. So I'll have new earrings and you out of my house." Mary continued her knitting, while Lilith stayed on the other side of the couch, smirking. 


It was three days till Thanksgiving. Mary had asked Lilith if she had gotten her a date, in which Lilith replied yes. Mary was a bit taken back but couldn't fully believe the demoness. 

Lilith had come by a few times since they made their bet and she had always responded 'yes' when Mary asked if she really had a date for her. 

In truth, Lilith did not. She had tried to find someone who Mary would like but face it, there weren't many or actually any lesbians in Greendale or in Riverdale. Lilith felt defeated. She knew she was going to have to buy those expensive pearl earrings and leave Mary's home. 

It was eating away at Lilith. She had no one for Mary. Lilith didn't want to leave Mary's home. It was the only place she could go where she felt safe and comfortable to be herself. Mary had lit a spark of life into Lilith and she would be forever grateful for that. 


It was one day away before Thanksgiving and Mary had already begun planning out what she and her date were going to be eating. She flipped through her recipe book, eyes so focused on her mother's hand writing, she hadn't noticed Lilith walk in. 

"Mary." Mary looked up, eyes softening at the sight of the demoness. Lilith's chest tightened as she approached the woman.
"What are you doing?" 

"I'm figuring out what I'm going to prepare for my date." Mary smiled, eyes glancing back down at the recipe book. 

Lilith wanted to tell her so bad but she didn't want to disappoint Mary. 

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