Pale Blue Eyes

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Soooo this needs an explanation. I have a habit of throwing in things that have actually happened to me in my writing. This is one of those moments. I was listening to the song that is mentioned because it brings back memories and I thought of this time. I laughed thinking of Lilith and Zelda in this situation. I'm going to make one thing clear, I was Zelda in this situation. I am not that short that I have to stand on my tiptoes to reach crackers in the cupboard! LMAO!!! So yeah, Every word is true other than... well the obvious. I basically took the memory but placed Zelda and Lilith into the situation. It's more for me than anyone else because it made me laugh really hard. No one else will get it but I hope you still enjoy it. Hopefully. :D 

"Okay but we have to be quiet." Lilith nodded in understanding, wrapping a thin housecoat around herself. Zelda took her hand, leading her down the stairs. It was past one pm in the Spellman residence and Lilith had begged Zelda for a snack. 

Their bare feet padded along the hardwood floor as they made their way to the dark kitchen. Lilith trotted behind Zelda, holding Zelda's one hand with both of hers. 

"What exactly do you want?" 

"I'm not sure." Lilith giggled when Zelda gave her a quick glare. 

"How about cheese and crackers?" 

Lilith nodded, hoisting herself up onto the counter. Zelda scanned over her bare legs that were barely covered by the half buttoned up blouse. 

"Don't stare!" Lilith smirked, shoving Zelda with the palm of her hand. 

Zelda rolled her eyes as she began cutting thin slices of cheese. 

"You know, we need to have wine with the cheese and crackers." Zelda sighed, setting the cheese knife down. She moved into the sitting room, squinting her eyes at the alcohol cabinet. 

Opening the glass cabinet, Zelda selected a small bottle of red wine. Turning, Zelda was met with Lilith's adorable "innocent" smile. 

"What are you up to?" Lilith shrugged, wrapping her arms around Zelda's waist. 
"Let's finish up that cheese plate so we can go back up stairs." 

The two went back to the kitchen, Lilith sitting back up on the counter. Zelda finished cutting the cheese, placing the knife into the sink. Lilith stood on her tiptoes, reaching up for the crackers. Zelda placed her hand on Lilith's hips, reaching her other hand over Lilith's. Lilith shyly smiled, placing her hands on the counter. She watched Zelda make their cheese plate, biting the inside of her cheek. 

Lilith trotted over to Zelda, wrapping an arm around her. Zelda spilled some of the wine on the floor, over their feet. 

They both laughed, Zelda shaking her head. Zelda grabbed their plate, handing it to Lilith. She took the two glasses, along with the bottle of wine. They tried their best to stay quiet but their soft giggles floated through the house. 

Once at the room, Lilith stripped of her house coat, climbing back onto their bed. 

"Put our song on." Zelda, wide eyed, shook her head. 

"Everyone is sleeping, Lilith." 

"Quietly then!" Zelda, annoyed, placed Lilith's favorite record into the record player. Pale Blue Eyes by The Velvet Underground very softly played through the large room. Lilith, placing a piece of cheese in her mouth, sat up from the bed, falling into Zelda's embrace. 
"Dance with me." Zelda stared into Lilith's pale blue eyes that held nothing but love. She softened. That's normally what happened when her eyes locked with the ones of the woman she loved the most.

And so she did. They drank the whole night, danced through the room in their drunken state. 

Hilda awoke to a large spill of red wine on the kitchen floor, having to shoo away Vinegar Tom from licking it up. 

Sighing, Hilda poured herself a cup of coffee. Rolling her eyes as heavy feet danced above her. 

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