🔪 Three 🔪

824 40 44

"Take what I want when I wanna

And I want ya"


[ C o l b y ]

After yesterday, I was really starting to dread going to school. Like, imagine having someone that- I don't even know at this point. It seems like he's obsessed with me, which I don't really  understand. He stalks me, gets over protective, and I've only known him for two days and now he's all up in my business.

I walked to school, now I was telling myself to just confront him about it.

It wouldn't hurt, right?

I luckily made it to school without getting a creepy text from Sam, making me relieved.

I saw Sam standing by my locker, and giving everyone dirty looks as they stared at him.

I huffed and made my way over to where he was standing.

I don't know if I should talk to him about it now, or wait til the hallway clears up. I don't care if I'm a little late to class, the teacher doesn't show up right away anyways.

By the time I made it over to Sam, I didn't really have an answer to my own question. I just decided I'd ask him about it when the halls clear up a little bit.

"Hey colby" he said, and smiled, or at least tried to.

I looked down at his hand and saw the cut from yesterday, you can tell he got cut, it was for sure going to leave a mark.

I sighed. "How's your hand?" I asked, trying to spare those last 3 minutes before class started.

"It's okay. It feels weird." He said, and looked at it. Yesterday, after he got cut, he didn't clean it or anything. He just licked the blood, and left it how it was.

I grimaced at the thought and a chill went down my spine again.

The bell finally rung, and he started to walk away, but I grabbed his wrist.

"Hey uh..can I talk to you for a second ?" I asked, a look of hope flashed through his eyes before his dull eyes took over soon after.

"So uh..whats up with you? You seem a little..uh..crazy?" I asked, whispering the last part.

He looked at me and chuckled.

My Strange Addiction || Solby Where stories live. Discover now