🔪 Twenty-six 🔪

533 34 17

"You are my strange addiction

You are my strange addiction"


[ C o l b y ]

Sam had came over for dinner, and as I was expecting he was really awkward around my brother and my parents. I noticed he kept wiping his hands on his pants, his palms probably sweaty from being nervous.

Now we were in my bedroom, just cuddling and watching Netflix. This is kind of the first act of just affection we've really shown towards each other besides kissing.

We were watching a scary movie -sams request- and I was kind of scared, not going to lie, and he didn't look scared at all, but what else did I expect?

I jumped slightly when there was a loud noise, but Sam just chuckled and assured me I was okay.

I cuddled closer to him though, and he wrapped his arm around my waist tightly, and leaned his head on mine making my stomach do a flip. He still made me feel really tingly inside.

I loved him.

Word count: 170
Hey guys! Short chapter, I know. I just wanted to get it out. I'll update a longer one later!:)

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