Chapter 1

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"Happy birthday bestie! Time to rise and shine. C'mon. Let's go."

Jordyn opened one sleepy eye to find her best friend Melanie standing next to her bed grinning. Mel was already dressed, in full makeup, hair perfectly styled, looking like a million bucks.

Jordyn groaned. "Uh. My birthday is not for two days. Go away and let me sleep." She replied grumpily.

Instead of complying, Mel walked to the window, pulled the curtains back and opened the blinds allowing the sunlight to stream into Jordyn's room.

Jordyn groaned again and pulled the blanket over her head.

"Nope. Time to get up. We got plans. Now get your ass out of bed and get dressed." Mel said, pulling the blanket off of Jordyn's head.

Knowing it was no use to argue with Mel once she had her mind set on something, Jordyn let out a sigh of exasperation and sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"What plans?" She asked.

"Well, first you need to take a shower. You look like death. Put some makeup on, fix your hair and put on something cute. Oh, and pack a bag for a few days."

Jordyn was wide awake now. "What are you up to now Mel? Pack a bag for what?"

"I got us tickets for Daytona." Melanie squealed.

Jordyn rolled her eyes. "Mel, I have told you time and again, I have no interest whatsoever in NASCAR. Besides, I thought we were going to a concert."

"Oh, there will be a concert. Maybe a few. And, we will be there all week so pack accordingly. Now come on. Get a move on. We are wasting time."

Sighing with resignation, Jordyn finally got out of bed and into the shower. Grumbling the entire time. As usual, Mel was going to get her way.

By the time Jordyn had finished her shower and stepped into her bedroom to get dressed, she noticed Mel had already laid several outfits onto the bed along with an open suitcase, and was currently digging through Jordyn's closet.

Hearing Jordyn enter the room, Mel turned around and shook her head. "We have got to go shopping hun. Your sense of fashion is atrocious."

It was then that Jordyn noticed the clothes on her bed were Mel's, not hers. Jordyn picked up the skimpy, low cut tank top and looked at it. "Uh no. I don't think so." She dropped it back on the bed then stepped to the closet, pushing Mel out of the way.

"I can dress myself thank you very much." She reached for a Sturgill Simpson T-shirt and a pair of cutoff denim shorts. She quickly got dressed and pulled out her Converse.

Mel shook her head again. "I thought I told you to put on something cute. That's why I brought you those clothes."

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Jordyn argued.

Mel handed her the discarded tank top. "You are so pretty Jordyn and you have a great body. I don't get why you want to hide behind unisex T-shirts and clothes that do absolutely nothing for you."

"No Mel. You are the pretty one. This top, this is you, it's not me. I'm comfortable with who I am and with my own clothes."

"Would you at least consider a fitted tee?" Mel asked with a grin.

Jordyn laughed. "If I say yes, then will you leave me alone and let me get ready?"

Mel threw her a pair of sandals. "Wear these instead."

Jordyn rolled her eyes, but put on the sandals anyway.

Jordyn finished dressing. She blow dried her hair and left it in its natural waves. She applied minimal make up before getting the rest of her makeup together to pack in her suitcase.

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