Chapter 18

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"Ugh fuck" Jordyn groaned out loud, slowly opening one eye, then quickly shutting in from the sunlight streaming through the bedroom window.

"I have got to stop doing this shit." She mumbled to herself.

Sometimes, she gets a little carried away when she drinks, and last night was no exception. Actually, last night was worse. She had been drinking straight whiskey. Yeah. Straight from the fucking bottle.

Her eyes landed on the brown leather bag lying open on the floor. Her "bag of tricks." The events of the previous night came rushing back.

Unlike previous nights of drinking, this time she remembered everything. The wild night she and Ryan had. The toys. He fucked her in the ass. And she liked it.

She looked over at Ryan asleep next to her. Snoring softly, dead to the world. Not only had he fucked her in the ass, but she told him other things. She told him she had had threesomes. Not just a threesome, but threesomes. Plural.

He said he didn't care, that it was in the past, but how much of his being okay with her past was alcohol fueled? Would he think differently when sober? Part of her hoped he didn't remember, but the other part of her hoped he did just so she wouldn't have to tell him again. Sober, because she was never drinking again. Yeah right. She said that last time.

Jordyn walked into the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of Body Armor from the fridge and a bottle of ibuprofen from the cabinet.

She walked back into the bedroom, sat on the bed and just watched Ryan sleep.

He looked so perfect. Peaceful. So...Hot! God she wanted him to wake up so they could...shut the fuck up Jordyn. She told herself.

The last thing she wanted with her brain pounding against her skull was sex. Hmmm. Now Ryan pounding into her...enough Jordyn. Fuck. She must still be drunk, the way she was having conversations with herself.

Damn. Check out his boner! Turn your sex fueled brain off. Ugh!

She opened the bottle of Body Armor and took a long swallow, washing down two of the ibuprofen.

She wished Ryan was up. Uh, he is up. Not that kind of up you moron. Awake. She was desperate to see how much of last night he remembered.

Was she really? Did she really want to know? Yes! No? Fuck if she knew. Think Jordyn. Think. What's the worst if he did?

He said that was her past right? He was drunk off his ass though. Should she wake him? No. Let him sleep. He was probably going to be feeling like shit when he woke up. Men are such babies when they don't feel well. But it was no fun feeling like shit by yourself.

"Who are you talking to." A sleepy voice mumbled.

Did he say that or was it just those damn voices in her head? Those damn voices doing a tap dance on her brain.

"Jordyn Who are you talking to?" He mumbled again.

Fuck. So much for the voices in her head. She must have been speaking to them out loud. Well now she's just fucking nuts. Bat shit crazy. Call the fucking looney bin, put her in a straight jacket and throw her in a padded room crazy.

"Jordyn?" Ryan was speaking to her again. She shook her head, hoping to clear the cobwebs.

"Yeah babe. I'm right here."

"Who were you talking to?" He groaned.

"No one. I was uh, moaning about my head."

She handed him a Body Armor and some ibuprofen. He smiled, his eyes crinkling in the corners adorably.

He sat up to swallow the pills, then laid back down and held his arms out to her. She snuggled up against him, head on his chest, his arms wrapped around her.

"How are you feeling this morning!" He asked.

"Hungover." She laughed.

"I is the rest of you feeling?"

Well, guess he remembers what they did last night.

"I'm fine." She replied.

"Good." He pulled her closer and she began to hear his soft snores again. She wanted to fall back asleep.

She laid her head back on Ryan's chest. Feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest. The sound of his heart beat, and eventually, she was lulled back to sleep.

Jordyn later awoke to Ryan placing soft kisses on her neck. His hand caressing her breast. She could feel his hardness.

Of course he was in the mood.

She waited to feel the pounding in her head, but it was gone. The only ache being from the one in her center, an ache from needing to be filled. The only sounds she could hear were the soft sighs coming from both of them.

She relaxed against him. She moaned in pleasure when she felt him slip into her.

He set a slow, sensuous rhythm that had her coming undone in no time. God she loved this man.

When he spilled into her, he held her tightly, kissed her softly. She still had questions. At least her brain had shut itself off for a few minutes, let her get a little enjoyment from this morning.

As she lay in his arms, she had to know. "Ry, how much do you remember from last night?"

"I remember everything. We got a little crazy. Do you remember?" He asked.

"Yes. What we talked about Ryan. It..."

He placed his finger over her lips, cutting her off. "Doesn't matter. I told you, your past was your past. Is there anything else you want to share?"

She shook her head. She meant it. She didn't have any more secrets.

"It's in the past. Keep it there." Her heart soared. She felt lighter. She felt free. She could not wipe the smile off of her face if she tried.

"Do you have anywhere you have to be?" She asked.

"Nope. You?"

She shook her head, "Just right here with you. Except I'm starving. C'mon champ. I'll fix you some breakfast."

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