Chapter 10

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Jordyn's alarm went off early the next morning. Mel would be here in a few minutes to pick Jordyn up so they could drive back to Georgia.

Ryan was nuzzling her neck and ear. "Do you really have to go? You can come back with me."

Jordyn laughed "Yes I have to go. I can't leave Mel to pack up our entire apartment all by herself."

"I'm going to miss you. I know it's only two weeks, but I'm going to miss seeing you everyday."

"We will just have to make do with FaceTime. I'll be in Mooresville before you know it."

Jordyn got an alert on her phone. Mel was waiting.

"I have to go. I love you Ryan."

I love you too Jordyn. Be careful going home and call me when you get there."

She kissed him deeply. "I will. Have a safe flight."


Jordyn got in the car and Mel looked her up and down.

"Ummm hmmm. You and Ryan finally did the deed and from the looks of it, it was pretty damn good."

Jordyn's face heated up. Was it that obvious? "It was fucking phenomenal Mel. I should have called you and told you to give me ten more minutes so I could have gotten a quickie in, or at least a snack."

"Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?" Mel laughed.

"Let's just say old Jordyn came out to play last night." Jordyn smirked.

"No way! I thought that bitch was dead."

"Nah. She's just been in a very deep sleep for the last three years."


"These are really good Jor! Of course most of them are Ryan, luckily he's hot."

Jordyn laughed. She and Mel were back at their apartment in Georgia and Mel was scrolling through all the photos Jordyn had taken in Daytona.

"You have a really good eye for detail. These photos are better than some of the professional ones I've seen."

Jordyn was a bit surprised. The words Jordyn and detail usually didn't go together." "Well you know photography has always been a hobby of mine." She said modestly.

"Maybe you should make it more than a hobby. You've been searching for something to do with yourself.

It wasn't a bad idea. Before Jordyn could ponder it any further, she had an alert on her phone. FaceTime with Ryan. She smiled to herself and went to her room.

As the days of being apart drug on, their phone chats had gotten way steamy. She locked her door and sprawled onto the bed as Ryan's face came into view.

Ryan: What are you doing?
Jordyn: Thinking about you
Ryan: What are you thinking about?
Jordyn: Your tongue
Ryan: Where is my tongue?

She set down her phone and propped it against her pillow. She removed her T-shirt and bra. She grabbed her breast and circled her nipple with her index finger.

Jordyn: it's

She slowly dragged her finger down her body until she reached the waistband of her shorts. She popped the button and pulled the zipper down and touched the area of skin just above the panties.

Jordyn: And here.

She shimmied out of her panties and laid on the bed, the phone between her legs.

Jordyn: Ummm and right here

She circled her clit with her finger

Ryan: Are you wet?
Jordyn: Extremely!
Ryan: Show me

She ran her finger along her drenched slit and held it up to the phone so he could see the glisten on her fingertip. Then she placed her finger into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it. He was already breathing hard, and she was just getting started.

Ryan: I bet you taste so good
Jordyn: Mmmm. I bet you do too
Ryan: How does my tongue in your hot, wet pussy feel?
Jordyn: Soooo fucking good

Jordyn saw Ryan had his hand wrapped around a rather large boner, his hand sliding up and down. She slipped her finger into her entrance, her thumb rubbing circles on her clit

Jordyn: Is your dick in my mouth?
Ryan: Oh yeah
Jordyn: How does it feel?
Ryan: Amazing
Jordyn: Better than my pussy?
Ryan: No, but it's a close second
Jordyn: I love sucking your big hard dick

She rubbed her self faster, her fingers pumping in and out harder. She felt the warmth building in her middle. Her eyes squeezed shut.

Jordyn: I'm about to cum Ryan
Ryan: Me too

Jordyn couldn't contain the moans escaping her lips. She finally came down from her sexual high. She could hear Ryan's ragged breathing. She picked up the phone and spoke directly to him.

Jordyn: Not as good as the real thing, but it'll have to do for now.
Ryan: Not much longer baby. I can't wait to see you.
Jordyn: What are you planning to do?
Ryan: I'm gonna fuck you so good
Jordyn: I can't wait. I miss you
Ryan: I miss you too. I love you
Jordyn: I love you too. See you soon

Jordyn disconnected the call and went to clean herself up and get dressed before rejoining Mel in the living room.

"How was phone sex with Ryan?"

"How did you know?"

Mel laughed. "Every time Ryan calls, you go in your room and lock the door. I can hear you moaning. You are loud Jordyn. Very, very loud."


"Yeah. You're really sorry."

"Sorry. Not sorry." Jordyn noticed Mel staring at her.

"I've never seen you like this." Mel said in awe.

"Like what?" Jordyn asked.

"Happy. It's a good look on you Jor."

"I've never felt like this before." Jordyn admitted.

"Well, in less than a week you won't have to have phone sex anymore. But...You are not doing it in our apartment though. I don't want to hear you. I can only imagine how loud you get over the real thing, with a partner. You can go to Ryan's house and fuck your brains out."

Jordyn giggled "We're liable to break the bed or knock holes in the wall."

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