Chapter 19

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****Warning****The following content contains mention of sexual assault.

Jordyn was worried. She and Mel were supposed to have lunch today, but Mel never showed.

She was not answering her phone, and when Jordyn called HMS, she was told Mel had not shown up for work that morning.

Nearing panic, Jordyn drove to the apartment. Mel's car was there. She knocked on the door, but no answer.

She called out to Mel, but nothing. Jordyn pulled out her key that she had never returned back to Mel after she moved out.

She unlocked the door and gasped in horror at the mess. The couch was askew, a lamp had been knocked over and the coffee table was overturned. Seeing the mess, Jordyn realized she probably shouldn't touch anything. She still had to find Mel though.

She continued to call out her name. Mel's bedroom door was closed. Using the bottom of her shirt to grip the doorknob, Jordyn slowly turned the knob and walked into the room.

Mel was sitting on the bed. Her knees drawn up to her chest. She had not turned her head. Had not spoken. Her clothes were torn and dirty.

Jordyn sat down next to her on the bed, and Mel finally looked at her. Jordyn gasped. Mel's face was covered in bruises. Her eye was swollen and black, her cheek bruised, lip swollen and crusted with dried blood. Her arms were also covered with bruises.

Jordyn gasped in shock. "Who did this to you Mel?"

Mel shrugged. "It doesn't matter."

"The hell it doesn't matter."

"I don't even know. He followed me home last night."

"Have you called the police?" Jordyn asked, pulling out her phone.

Mel shook her head. "Don't Jordyn."

"Did he...did he hurt you...elsewhere?" Jordyn feared the worst.

Mel nodded, her eyes filled with tears.

"We have to go to the hospital Mel."

Mel shook her head vehemently. "NO!" She replied.

"Mel, we have to. You could have other injuries that we can't see. You have to report this."

Mel began to weep. "I can't Jordyn. Don't you know things like this happen to girls like me.

"What do you mean girls like you?"

"Girls who dress a certain way. Act a certain way."

"No. That's bullshit Melanie. You DID NOT ask for this. You were violated. He is responsible, not you. You did not ask for this. We have to go."

"Jordyn, I can't. I know what they are going to say about me."

"I'm calling Ryan." Jordyn picked up her phone again.

Mel grabbed it out of her hand. "Don't. I'll go. Just please don't tell Ryan."

Jordyn wrapped her arms around her friend and held her while they both cried.

After a few minutes, Jordyn stood up and took her friends hand. "Let's go. I'll be there with you." Finally, Mel took her hand and they left the apartment together and went to Jordyn's car.

"I have to call Ryan and let him know where I am." Jordyn spoke.

"Jor, you promised." Mel pleaded.

"I'm not going to tell him anything. I have a feeling this is going to take a while. I don't want him to worry about me." Mel nodded.

Ryan: Where are you babe?
Jordyn: I uh, I have to take Mel to the hospital. I don't know how long I'll be
Ryan: What happened?
Jordyn: I can't talk about it Ryan
Ryan: I thought we weren't keeping secrets from each other
Jordyn: It's not my secret to tell. Just please trust me Ryan
Ryan: Did someone hurt her?
Jordyn: I can't talk about it Ryan, so please don't ask. I'll be home later
Ryan: Okay baby. You do what you have to do. I'll be here. I love you.
Jordyn: I love you too

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