Chapter 23

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Jordyn nervously followed the doctor into the room and waited with bated breath.

"He's going to be fine Miss Springer. He has a mild concussion and some bruised ribs. We are going to keep him overnight for observation, but he should be good to go in the morning."

Jordyn released the breath she had been holding. "Can I...can I see him?" She asked.

"Of course. He's awake and he's asking for you."

Jordyn thanked the doctor and made her way to Ryan's room. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in the door. She looked like hell. She quickly tried to smooth her hair down, then walked into the room.

He smiled weakly at her and she immediately burst into tears.

"Don't cry baby. It's okay." He held his arms out to her and she sprinted across the room into them.

"I was so scared." She sobbed.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm fine."

She let him hold her for a moment then kissed him softly.

"I have to call your mom, and there are others out there waiting to see you."

She went out to the waiting room, where Chase, Mel and members of Ryan's team were waiting anxiously. She told them the good news and that they could go in to see him. She then called Lisa, whose plane was landing soon and she would meet them at the hospital.

Jordyn decided to take a moment to clean herself up. She went into the bathroom. How did her face get so dirty? She splashed some water on her face, and ran a comb through her tangled hair.

Jordyn went back into Ryan's room. The first thing she noticed was Mel sitting close to Chase. Were they talking? She doubted they talked much about everything that had happened with Mel. This was not the time nor the place, but they looked close. She really hoped Mel would open up to Chase. He would be good for her.

Ryan's parents Dave and Lisa arrived. Lisa immediately hugged her son

"My baby boy. I'm so glad you are okay. Don't ever do that to me again." She saw Jordyn standing there and hugged her too. "Thank you for calling us and for looking out for my baby."

They visited for a while, and it was starting to get late. The team were all heading back to Charlotte. Chase and Mel were going to check into a hotel (separate rooms of course). Dave and Lisa were doing the same.

Finally Jordyn and Ryan were left alone. Ryan took her hand. "Why don't you go to the hotel with everyone else and get some rest."

She shook her head. "I'm not leaving." He smiled at her stubbornness.

"Those chairs don't look very comfortable, but try to get some rest anyway."

She leaned over and kissed him softly. "You do the same. I'll be right here if you need anything."


Ryan awoke a few hours later to Jordyn tossing and turning in the two chairs she had put together to try and make into a bed.

"C'mon over here." He scooted over in the hospital bed and held his hand out to her.

She hesitated. "I don't want to hurt you. The doctor said you had some bruised ribs."

He patted the side of the bed. "Only on the left side. My right side is fine."

She climbed into the bed and snuggled against him. "Is this okay?" She asked.

"It's perfect." He kissed her forehead. "Now try to get some sleep."

"Ry.. I..I'm sorry I've been so distant lately. I wish I could explain it, but I..I just can't. I don't even know myself." He felt a tear hit his arm.

"It's okay baby. Everything is going to be fine. We are going to be fine. Whatever you need, I will give it to you."

She sniffled and held him closer. "I just need you."

He smiled down at her. "You've got me. I love you, now get some rest."

She kissed him lightly. "I love you too." She closed her eyes and within moments, she was asleep.


The following morning, Ryan awoke when a nurse entered his room. She frowned slightly when she saw Jordyn curled up next to him.

Ryan looked down, and she was still asleep. He looked up at the nurse, who was about to speak, and held his finger to his lips indicating for her to talk softly.

The nurse walked up to the bed and said quietly. "She's not supposed to be in the bed with you."

Ignoring the pounding in his brain, Ryan gave her his best, most winning smile. "She was exhausted. She couldn't get comfortable and I couldn't get her to leave. She needed her rest."

The nurse smiled a bit. "You need your rest too Mr. Blaney." She scolded, but still with a hint of a smile.

"I slept great" he replied.

"Well, I didn't see anything." She winked at him and began checking his vitals, making notes onto his chart. "The doctor will be in soon to check on you, then you should be released. Is there anything you need?" Ryan shook his head.

A/N: A little short, but I wanted to get this out. Sorry for the cliffhanger last chapter.

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