Chapter 21

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They had arrived in Daytona. Mel was resting. Her mind and body still recovering from her trauma.

Jordyn was also recovering from her flashback. Her recovery facilitated by Ryan's loving words. Wrapped in his arms, the place she felt the safest.

They were sitting outside of Ryan's bus, watching the sunset together when Chase arrived.

"Have you talked to Mel lately?" Chase asked Jordyn.

Ryan felt her tense up. Jordyn didn't know how to respond. "Yes. I spoke to her earlier." She replied, not giving anything else away.

"Is she okay? She's not answering my calls. She wasn't on the plane, and when I asked, I was told she was taking a personal leave."

Jordyn tensed up even more. She clearly had not thought this through. She was not prepared to answer questions regarding Mel.

"I went by her apartment yesterday. The mail was piling up by the door. It looked like she hasn't been home in a while. I was concerned. Did she go somewhere?" Chase really did look concerned.

Ryan spoke up "Uh. Yes. She's uh she's been staying with us for a few days. She's been dealing with some personal stuff." Jordyn elbowed him in the ribs.

"Is she here?" Chase asked.

Jordyn was at a loss. She didn't want to lie. She hated lying. She sucked at lying.

"She's resting. She doesn't want to see anyone right now." She explained.

Chase looked crestfallen. "By anyone, do you mean me?"

Ryan saw the expression on his friends face, and knew that despite what Chase has said earlier about his relationship with Mel, that his feelings went beyond just weekend hook ups. "It's not you man. She's not up to seeing anyone. Just give her some space."

"Is she okay? Can you at least tell me that much?" Chase was raking his fingers through his hair.

"She will be." Jordyn replied. Hoping she was right, and hoping she didn't give away too much.

He stood up and put his hands in his pockets. "Will you uh tell her hi for me? Tell her I hope she's...getting better, I guess. I miss her." He walked back to his bus, head down.

Maybe getting Mel to come was a bad idea.


Jordyn and Ryan went back into the bus. Mel was up and was in the kitchen area cooking dinner for everyone. Jordyn went to give her a hand.

She debated tell her about Chase, but recalling the look on Chase's face, and his obvious concern, she decided to tell her.

"Chase came by. He was looking for you." She began, hesitantly.

"You didn't say anything did you Jor?"

Jordyn took a deep breath. "He knows you had taken a leave from HMS for personal reasons. We didn't elaborate, but he uh, he knows you've been staying with Ryan and me, and he knows you're here. I told him you didn't want to see anyone. He said he misses you."

Mel's eyes filled with tears. "I miss him too. I can't face him though. Not now. Maybe not ever. He and I can never go back to the way we were. Too much has happened."

Jordyn put her arm around her friend. "I think he really cares about you Mel."

"We weren't like that Jordyn. It was all about the sex with us. He and I agreed that's all it would be." Mel looked torn.

"I think somewhere along the way, feelings changed. Developed."

"He can't have feelings for me. I just...I can't see him anymore."

"Do you have feelings for him?" Jordyn asked softly.

"It doesn't matter. Chase and I were never really a thing, and we never will be. Just drop it please Jordyn."


Later that night, Ryan and Jordyn climbed into bed. Ryan pulled Jordyn to him. He began to softly kiss her neck. As his hand traveled up her hip, and down her thigh, she flinched.

"Ry, we can't. Mel's in the next room."

He knew she was making excuses. There was always an excuse. They still had not resumed their previous intimacy. She wanted to be held, and while Ryan was happy to oblige her that, he missed their physical connection. He didn't push, because he knew she was working through some things and she would come to him when she was ready. He just wished he knew what to say or what he could do. It was frustrating because he didn't know how to help. She didn't know how he could help her. He had never felt so helpless in in life.

A/N: Sorry this a really short, boring chapter

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