Chapter 6

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Over the next few days, Jordyn and Ryan became inseparable.

After the second night, realizing how much she wanted to be around him, and Mel also realizing she would much rather be with Chase, they checked out of their hotel, prepared to spend the rest of their vacation with the guys.

Jordyn had fully embraced the world of NASCAR and grew to love the excitement of the racing.

Over the last few days she had gotten to see a lot of races. She was becoming familiar with a lot of the drivers. She was learning a lot of the technical terms and knew she had found a new passion in life. She was also developing quite a fondness for the driver of the #12 Menards Mustang. She was beyond impressed by his skills behind the wheel. She was in awe over the way he treated his fans. It was easy to see why he was so popular and why his fans adored him.

Ryan was so sweet. Never had Jordyn had a guy that treated her so well. It also didn't hurt that he was extremely easy on the eyes. It didn't take long to see that what had started out as attraction had quickly turned into genuine feelings.

This last thought was what made Jordyn nervous. How long was Ryan willing to wait for her? How long was she willing to hold out? It was getting harder and harder every day. Every look, every touch, every word spoken weakened her resolve. If she gave into the desires both of them were feeling, would it all blow up in her face?


"Why didn't you tell me?" Ryan's accusing tone snapped Jordyn out of her daydream. She turned her head to look at him, surprised by the grim line on his face.

"What are you talking about?" She asked nervously.

He started laughing. "I just found out from Mel that it was your birthday. Yesterday. Why didn't you tell me?"

Jordyn shrugged. She had actually forgotten her own birthday. "Oops." She laughed.

"Let me take you out tonight. Please."

"Okay fine. We'll go out, but not too late. You have a race to run tomorrow night."


Chase and Ryan sat back and watched as Jordyn and Mel pounded shot after shot. They were having fun and Ryan could see Jordyn coming out of her shell. Of course that was probably the alcohol talking more than anything.

He liked seeing her so carefree. It reminded him of the night they met on the beach when she was playing in the water.

Right now however, she was being a little too carefree. She and Mel were on the dance floor, dancing very provocatively. Drawing a lot of attention to themselves.

Although Ryan loved watching her, as she looked sexy as hell, he knew it was time to get her back to the track. He looked at Chase, and Chase nodded.

They collected the girls, trying to draw as little attention to themselves as possible. They managed to get out of the bar fairly easily and into the rental car he was using for the week. Jordyn was pressed up against his side, and had her hand on his thigh. She pressed her lips to his neck, nibbling, then whispered in his ear "I want you Ryan. I think we've waited long enough."

As soon as Ryan and Jordyn entered the bus, Jordyn threw herself on him. Kissing him heatedly and grinding against him.

"I want to fuck Ryan. I know you want me too. I've felt it." She pressed her body against his and kissed him deeply.

Ryan kissed her back, at first, but then he came to his senses. As bad as he wanted her, it couldn't be like this. Ryan has told her on the first night when they have sex, they would both be in their right minds. This was not Jordyn, this was the alcohol.

"Let's get you to bed." Ryan said, taking her hand.

"Hmmm. Bed works, or we could just fuck right here." She began tugging at his pants. This was not good. She was wasted and coming on very strong and aggressive.

"Jordyn, you don't want to do this. Not like this. You made a promise to yourself to wait."

"Fuck my promise. I have not gotten laid in three years. Three fucking years Ryan. I wanted to change my slutty ways, and what the hell for? I still have no purpose in life. I flunked out of school. I have no job, not that I really need one anyway since I have a shit ton of money, courtesy of mommy and daddy. I gave up sex hoping it would help me turn my life around. What a joke. Just fuck me Ryan. You know we both want it."

She finally ended her rant, and Ryan was hopeful that she was finally ready to sleep it off. He got her to lay down in the bed. He tucked the blankets around her. She looked at him sadly. "I love you Ryan. Why don't you want me anymore?" Then she passed out.

Walking out of that room was one of the hardest things Ryan had ever done. He had never wanted anyone so much, but to do it this way was just wrong, no matter how much she begged for it.

Hopefully she would not remember too much of this because the last thing he wanted was for her to feel like he didn't want her.

Some of the things she said hurt his heart. He wanted to hold her, but in her drunken state, she might confuse his comfort for something else, and he may not have been able to resist her.

There were obviously some things in her past that she had yet to come to terms with. Even though it had only been a few days, he was certain he was in love with her. He had never felt this way about anyone else before. Tomorrow, they needed to talk

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