Chapter 15

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"Mmmm. Ry. I really have to go." Jordyn murmured, as Ryan began placing open mouth kisses along her neck.

"Five more minutes." He pleaded.

Jordyn laughed. "Then you'll ask for five more minutes after that."

"I can't help it. I don't want you to go." He pouted.

She placed a soft kiss upon his lips. "You have to be at the shop in an hour. I have to get home and shower and change before class."

"You know, if you lived here, we could get at least another thirty minutes of cuddle time." He was still pouting.

"But I don't live here. I..."

He cut her off. "You could. You should. You are here more than you are there."

"What about Mel?" Jordyn asked.

"Well, I just meant you, but I guess Mel can move in too." He joked.

"I don't know Ry. Are we ready to take that step? We've already moved pretty fast in everything."

"I'm ready. I want to go to sleep every night with you by my side and wake up next to you every morning, without you having to rush home."

Jordyn realized she wanted that too. She just had one concern. "I need to talk to Mel. We came here together. We share everything together. I don't want to put her in a bind."

"I understand that that. She's your best friend and y'all have lived together for a long time. If rent is an issue, I can cover the rent until she finds a roommate." Ryan offered.

Although unnecessary, Jordyn was touched by Ryan's offer. "Babe, I can more than cover the rent. That's not the issue. I just don't want her to feel like I'm abandoning her. She has been there for me through everything, and I owe her."


Jordyn finished her class and decided to call Mel and see if they could get together for lunch.

She waited for Mel at Olive Garden, rehearsing what she would say.

Before Mel even sat down, she said "Spill it Jordyn. You're either up to something or you've got something on your mind."

Jordyn burst out laughing. No one in the world knew her better than Mel.

"So...uh.. yeah..." Jordyn stammered.

"Jor, I told you to spill."

"Ryan asked me to move in." She blurted out.

"It's about damn time." Mel said. Jordyn laughed again. "Well, I mean, it's not like you're ever home anyway. Hell, I could've rented out your room a long time ago." Mel said.

"About the rent Mel. I don't want to put you in a bind or anything, so I'm good to cover half the rent until you find another roommate.

"Jor, I'm not gonna ask you to do that. I can handle the rent. I may know someone looking for a place. Hell, I may not even want another roommate. I kinda like living alone. It makes it a lot less awkward for when I'm entertaining. Just promise me you're not gonna forget about me now that you're not having to come home every morning to change."

Jordyn felt tears burning in her eyes. She looked at Mel, and Mel's eyes were watering.

Jordyn squeezed her hand. "No way would I, or could I ever forget about you. We will hang out at the track every weekend. We will get together for lunch at least two days every week and I propose a girls night once a week."

Mel squeezed her hand back. "Deal. On one condition."

"What's that?" Jordyn asked. "You leave the coffee maker."

Jordyn laughed. "Deal."


"Do you have a lot of stuff to move?" Ryan asked.

Jordyn shook her head. "Mostly clothes. Hair and makeup stuff. Very few personal items. No furniture. No appliances."

"Sounds pretty easy. I'm tied up most of the day at the shop tomorrow, but we could get to it in the evening." He suggested.

"You are pretty eager aren't you?" She joked.

"I'm ready to have you with me all the time." He said.

"What if I take your truck tomorrow and you use my car? A lot of my stuff is still in boxes anyway. I never got around to finish unpacking after the move from Georgia. I could easily get it taken care of before you are even home."

"You are gonna let me drive your brand new car? Your baby?" He questioned.

She placed her hand on his cheek and stroked it softly. "Of course. I trust you."

Ryan's heart soared at those three words. Who cares if she was talking about her car. Although he hoped she meant that she trusted him in every other way, he would take this.


The following morning, Ryan stared at the shiny black Mustang GT parked in his driveway. He had been a little surprised when Jordyn traded in her Camaro a few weeks ago. She had given the spiel about brand loyalty, and since her boyfriend was a Ford guy, then she figured she would be loyal to the brand as well. This baby was brand new and fully loaded and he had been itching to get behind the wheel.

"I promise I'll take good care of it." He told her.

She looked totally at ease. Not the least bit worried. She kissed him sweetly. "I told you I trust you, and I'm not just talking about with my car. I trust you fully. With everything."

Ryan swore in that moment he fell even more in love with her.


Ryan pulled into his parking spot at Penske. Joey and Brad were in the parking lot talking. Joey gave a whistle of appreciation as he climbed out of the car.

"Damn Blaney. Where have you been hiding this sweet ride?"

"It's Jordyn's. She had to borrow my truck today."

Brad laughed "Your lady has excellent taste in cars. You're already vehicle swapping. Next thing you know, you're going to be moving in together."

"Well, Uh, that's why she has my truck today."


By the time Ryan returned home, Jordyn had already unloaded all of her boxes, and was in the process of unpacking them.

It was strange seeing makeup and a curling iron and flat iron and other female items in the bathroom, but it made him smile.

She looked exhausted. He handed her a beer and told her to take a break. She accepted the beer gratefully and leaned up against him, as her wrapped his arm around her. He kissed her softly. "Welcome home Jordyn."

A/N: Sorry. Kind of a short, boring chapter.

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