Chapter 26

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Ryan was cleared to race the following weekend.

Mel returned back to North Carolina and Jordyn helped her find an new apartment and begin the process of not only moving, but rebuilding her life and focusing on healing.

Jordyn relayed to Mel everything that Chase had said and encouraged her to continue her friendship with him. He really wanted to be there for her. Mel promised to think about it. She decided she was ready to return to work. She needed something to focus on and she really enjoyed her job. HMS welcomed her back with open arms.

That weekend, everyone returned to the race track. Jordyn was glad to put Daytona behind them. She really had developed a love/hate relationship with that place.

She was happy to see Mel and Chase having a conversation, even happier to see Chase say something to Mel that made her laugh.

Later, when she got a moment alone with Mel, Jordyn asked her about it.

"We were just making small talk. It's not a big deal." Mel explained.

"But its a start." Jordyn said.

"Jordyn, please stop trying to make something out of nothing. It's going to be a long time, if ever, before I trust another guy." Mel stated.

"But you trust Ryan." Jordyn added.

"That's different. He's...he's Ryan. He's your guy, which makes him like my brother. We don't have a history together."

Jordyn decided not to push any farther. The fact that Mel was talking to Chase, even if it was only small talk, was a big step. She just wanted Mel to be happy. To know that all guys were not the enemy. Maybe she was pushing too hard. Mel had been through a traumatic experience and Jordyn didn't even want to begin to know how it felt to be in Mel's shoes. She knew Chase was a great guy, but Mel needed to figure that out on her own.

"I'm sorry Mel. I get it. You're not ready. I'll back off." Jordyn apologized.

Mel smiled and put her arm around her. "I know you mean well, and I love you for it. You've got yourself a one in a million guy, and I couldn't be happier for you. One day, I hope to find what you and Ryan have, but for now, I have to focus on me."

Jordyn couldn't help but smile at Mel's words. Ryan was indeed one in a million. She had a feeling that Mel was going to be okay. She was strong and and she was capable.


"I'm going to stop trying to push Mel and Chase together." Jordyn told Ryan later.

He laughed. "Yeah. Like that's gonna happen. I'll believe it when I see it."

She looked at him indignantly. "What is that supposed to mean?"

He was only joking with her, but she clearly didn't take it as a joke. He had to choose his words carefully. "Babe, don't take it the wrong way, but you have been a bit pushy."

Oh shit. Wrong thing to say. He should have just kept his mouth shut. She was glaring at him with her hands on her hips.

"Are you seriously calling me pushy? Is it so wrong that I want to help my best friend and that I want her to be happy?"

Damn, she was really cute when she was mad. Suck up time, Ryan thought to himself. "No baby. It's not wrong at all. You are an amazing friend. Mel is lucky to have you." Yeah suck up indeed.

"But..." She prompted.

"But Mel is not ready. She knows how Chase feels about her. Just let her decide when or if she's ready to take that next step."

Jordyn took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. She no longer looked mad. Bullet dodged. Hopefully.

"That's pretty much what Mel said. That's why I decided to back off. I really mean back off Ryan. Y'all are right. I have been pushy. Do you know what she said to me? She said I have a one in a million guy. She's exactly right. I just can't help but think that Chase May be her one in a million. But I have to face the fact that she's not ready, and I have to respect that." She smiled ruefully.

"So I'm really one in a million?" He grinned.

She swatted at him playfully. "Don't you go getting a big head now."

"Too late." He smirked at her.


That night, Ryan and Jordyn were relaxing in bed when Ryan had a random thought. "You know, we have been together almost six months and I have never even taken you out on a date."

Jordyn giggled. "I think we are way past the 'dating' stage."

"Maybe I want to show you off." Ryan replied.

"So we are talking getting dressed up, go some place where you actually sit down and order food, as opposed to going up to a counter and getting your food in a bag. Dress and high heels date." Jordyn laughed again.

"Yep. Except I'm going to skip the dress and high heels." Ryan joked.

"Babe, we share a closet. Have you failed to notice there is not one single dress or pair of heels in there?" Jordyn asked.

"I seem to recall a very sexy black dress and heels on a particularly hot night." Ryan recalled.

His memory made Jordyn blush. That was a very hot night indeed. 

"That particular outfit was borrowed. I own nothing of the sort. You know me, I'm a T-shirt and cut off shorts girl."

He laughed. "You know I love that look on you too. I figure you have two options. You can either go shopping or I can take you on a hot date to Chick-Fil-A."

A/N: Sorry. Short, boring chapter. I just wanted to put something out there.

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