Chapter 29

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"Good morning fiancé." Jordyn murmured, snuggling against a just awakening Ryan, pressing her lips to his.

"Good morning fiancé." He grinned, responding to her kiss, and kissing her back deeply.

"Mmmm. Can we just stay in bed today?" She murmured against his lips.

Ryan laughed. "We have some time." His laugh quickly turned to a moan when she wrapped her hand around his shaft.

"Good. I have so much I want to do to you." She murmured into his ear, just before taking the lobe between her teeth and nibbling on it.

They took a long time, just kissing and touching before Ryan covered her body with his and slid into her. Long, leisurely, slow lovemaking.

After it was over, they sighed contentedly, reveling in the bliss. "How do you want to announce our engagement?" Ryan asked.

Jordyn pondered the question. "Could we just tell our friends and your family for now, and keep it to ourselves for a while?" She asked softly.

Ryan knew she was not a big fan of the spotlight. As their relationship had gotten a little more attention, she was well aware of some of the comments made on social media.

His female fans were not at all happy that he had gotten a girlfriend. They would probably be even more unhappy once they learned he was engaged to said girlfriend.

Although some of the comments were supportive, their were a lot of nasty, petty and mean ones, and those were the ones that stuck in her head.

Mel told her they were just jealous, and she shouldn't even waste her time reading them. She couldn't help herself though. She tried, but her curiosity, as well as her angst got the best of her.

She still had all her accounts set to private for this very reason. She toyed with the idea of making them public, maybe if Ryan's fans got to know her, maybe they would warm up to her.

After careful thought though, she decided to keep them private, not wanting to subject herself to the backlash that she knew was coming. Maybe after they were married, she would make them public.

Even members of the media were anxious to talk to her. Everyone wanted to know about the girl that was by Ryan's side. The girl that had won his heart.

She was always afraid that her past would come back to bite her. Her name was well known back in Georgia, mainly due to the scandal by her parents and the circumstances surrounding their deaths, and the fortune she had inherited. She had also built quite a reputation for herself, and it wasn't a good one.

Ryan was NASCAR's sweetheart. Well known for his calm demeanor, his love of the sport's history, his willingness to promote the sport, his accessibility to his fans and his all around good guy image.

She worried that her past coming out would negatively affect him and his reputation. Ryan didn't care about any of that. He told her over and over that he didn't care. Her past was her past. That was not who she was anymore.

A part of her wanted to shout their engagement out to the world, the other part wanted to hold out as long as she could.

She couldn't help but notice the frown. The lines between his beautiful eyes. "Just for a little while babe. I just want to savor the moment for as long as I can."

He drew her closer to him. He understood her concerns and could never deny her anything. Although he was anxious to let everyone know she was his and get started on planning their wedding. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable. He would hold off, for a little while anyway.

"We'll hold off on announcing anything for a week or two, but I'm ready for you to be mine. Forever. What do you think of a December wedding?" He asked.

"This December?" She raised her eyebrows. He grinned.

"Too soon?"

She smiled back and shook her head. "It's perfect."


Dave, Lisa, Ryan's two sisters Erin and Emma, along with Chase, Mel and some of Ryan's other close friends were a little surprised to hear of their engagement, but not totally shocked.

They all realized it was bound to happen sooner or later, and with December approaching, only a few months away, they didn't have a whole lot of time.

Jordyn was relying heavily on maid of honor Mel to help with the planning and to calm her nerves.

Not having many friends, other than Mel, Jordyn asked Erin and Emma to be a part of the wedding party. She adored Ryan's sisters and they had really taken to her a made her feel like a part of the family already. Dave and Lisa were amazing as well, and Jordyn really felt blessed to have been welcomed into such a close and loving family.

Ryan's friend Bubba and brother-in-law Cale were also in the wedding party, along with best man Chase.

A venue had been booked, flowers ordered, food, minister and music had been taken care of. Tuxedos rented, bridesmaid dresses picked and Jordyn found the perfect wedding dress. Everything was coming together.


The season ended. Ryan had a very good year. He had won four races throughout the year, and had just missed the final by a few points. They closed out the season with champions week and the annual banquet in Las Vegas. Ryan had finished the year fifth in points, his best season ever.


Mel and Chase were spending a lot of time together, doing their best man/maid of honor duties. Jordyn was thrilled to see them becoming closer, but she kept her promise from months ago and did not try to push them together or interfere, although she felt they were perfect for each other.


The wedding was quickly approaching and both Ryan and Jordyn were nervous, but excited about the next chapter of their lives.

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