Chapter 2

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"Hello Ryan. Earth to Ryan." Ryan blinked a couple of times and pushed Chase's hand out of his face.

"Where did you go dude?" Chase asked, laughing.

"That girl I was just talking to. Did you see her?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah I saw her. She was pretty hot. Did you get her number?"

"No, but I need to." Ryan answered wistfully.

"Then go find her. I'm sure she will be thrilled that The Ryan Blaney wants her number." Chase joked.

"I don't even think she had any clue who I was. She didn't look like she recognized me." Ryan commented, more or less to himself.

"All the more reason to go after her then."

Ryan scanned the bar over and over, hoping to get a glimpse of her. Finally, he saw her. She was with the girl that had interrupted them. Her friend was an absolute knockout as well. A tall, long legged brunette, but he only had eyes for Jordyn. Was it because they shared a mutual respect for Sturgill Simpson? That they both liked whiskey and coke?

He only had a brief moment with her, but he could easily lose himself in her blue eyes. Wanting to get her attention, but not wanting to come on to strong, he decided to play it cool. He walked over to the bar, spoke quietly to the bartender. Then he waited.

"Excuse me, miss." Jordyn felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around, and a waitress handed her a drink. "This is courtesy of the gentleman at the bar." The waitress said. Jordyn turned in the direction the waitress had pointed. Ryan waved to her. Oh God! What was she supposed to do?

"Ryan Blaney just bought you a fucking drink! You have got to go talk to him." Mel hissed in her ear.

"What am I supposed to say to him? It's not like I'm one of his 'fangirls'."

"You could start off with a thank you." Mel smirked.

Before Jordyn had time to react, Mel grabbed her hand and was leading her over to where Ryan was sitting.

"Thank you for the drink." Jordyn blurted out after receiving a sharp jab in the ribs from Mel. God no wonder she was so bad at relationships. She couldn't even talk to a guy.

"Hi, I'm Mel." Mel stuck her hand out. Mel didn't seem to have any problems talking to guys Jordyn thought enviously.

"I'm Ryan. It's nice to meet you." Ryan took her hand.

"I know who you are." Mel smiled flirtatiously.

Ryan's heart sank. So much for Jordyn not knowing who he was. Maybe she was just another fangirl. He still wouldn't mind getting to know her though.

"I had to explain to Jordyn here who you were. She's getting a crash course, no pun intended, on NASCAR this week." Mel giggled.

Ryan felt his heart began to soar again. So Jordyn didn't know who is was. He knew he had to distract Mel if he wanted to have a chance to talk to Jordyn. Chase could provide a good distraction.

"Would y'all like to go sit outside? It's quieter. We could talk."

"Sure." Mel replied.

Jordyn just smiled and nodded. Maybe she's shy. Ryan thought to himself.

"Let me go grab my friend, and I'll meet y'all outside."

"Oh shit Jordyn. I think he likes you. I wonder who his friend is." Mel said excitedly.

They made their way outside to the beach. Ryan walked out a few moments later with his friend.

His friend was a little taller, with dark, wavy hair, chocolate brown eyes and a dazzling smile. He was cute too Jordyn thought, but not as cute as Ryan.

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