Chapter 33

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"Yes, sir what could I do for you?"

"Get the private jet ready now."

"Adonis I'm coming with you."

"I never expected you to stay, but first we have to get James. My security team should be here any second."

I nodded in response and just went to go have a seat. I was mad that I couldn't do anything. I didn't have the type of connections Adonis had which made me feel useless in this whole situation.

While we were planning this whole thing last night I was an outcast to the whole plan. I didn't have anything to offer, unlike Adonis who seemed to have connections to everyone in this country.

We needed security cameras, Adonis knew a guy. We needed monitors, Adonis knew a guy. We need security, Adonis knew a guy. We need a private jet, Adonis has one.

Meanwhile, I didn't have anything to offer. I have never been ashamed or embarrassed by my chosen profession but in this situation, I didn't like how futile and unproductive I felt when someone I care about deeply is on the line.

It somehow made me feel like less of a man and I know I shouldn't be having these thoughts but it felt inevitable when I just stood there not seeming to even be needed because it seemed to me that James and Adonis could've done all of this without me.

Don't get me wrong, being an artist is my dream job and is something I take pride in but knowing how to sketch anything from photographic memory or replicate any colour I see isn't something I felt proud of at the moment.

Seeing Adonis take full control of the planning and getting us connected with various people we needed, made me realize how there's much more to his job than just signing some papers and calling it a day. He was a true leader just like Vixen, and I was just a mere follower.

I don't know how to lead people and have never been great at dealing with people in general. I've always kinda just let other people take the lead and have myself follow.

I've let myself believe in the saying that opposites attract applied to Vixen and I. She and I have nothing in common other than some trivial things. Adonis, on the other hand, related more to Vixen and the problems she faces on a day to day basis.

I tried to persuade myself that Adonis wasn't serious about Vixen and that she was just another conquest for him but I've known Adonis long enough to know that he's serious. I've known for a long time but I just chose to blind myself behind a lie and an image that I have painted onto Adonis.

This whole mess made me realize how they are much more compatible with each other. During the ride on the cruise ship, they would always get into playful banter while she spoke very professionally towards me. I think because of their similar careers, Vixen has found herself more comfortable with him, while I found that she had to put more effort into having a conversation with me. I will never regret being an artist but I do regret refusing my dad's offer on taking part in the family business. Because maybe just maybe I would have been the one that bumped into Vixen in the office or during meetings and maybe I would have an idea as to what interested her or what she took part in. I would be intrigued by topics that she's curious about but no, I'm just another artist that let the wind take me where it wanted. In the end, of course, Vixen would want a man that could provide for her and she could trust to handle the situation.

They say that opposites attract but that's really as far as it goes. Vixen and I are way too different. She's a leader and when she wants something she tries her hardest to obtain it while I don't try to fight hard enough for anything and I let things happen and let people do things to me without objecting because I think that its what god would've wanted. Adonis, on the other hand, is just as hard-headed and a go-getter as Vixen is which is probably why hey had a conflict in the beginning. They both knew what they wanted and they weren't gonna let the other person have their way.

These thoughts have clouded my mind since I joined the cruise ship with both of them. I heard the whole conversation Vixen and Adonis had when she was giving him a second chance and I think that's what made me realize that I'm not the right one for her.

So I've decided that after this whole thing settles I'll be going back to Europe and going back to my old lifestyle where I'm in no particular place for longer than 2 weeks. I'll continue searching hidden gems to inspire my art and show it all over the world. I don't plan on telling anybody about my plan because I know that if I had to say goodbye to Vixen that I'd have second thoughts.

A loud banging made me stray away from my thoughts.

"Sir where is the threat."

"Get your team on all exits of that house, they have a man in his late 20s in their being held hostage and from the looks of it, there are about 6 men in there with him. Put on your silencers, I don't want to cause a bigger mess in the neighbourhood. Get the job done and quickly and make sure there are no witnesses. I don't want them dead but if they do cause plausible threat then you may go in for the kill. Get them to the police station and once you have the hostage secured then make sure to have another car follow us to the jet. I need this done ASAP.

" Yes, Sir."

The man left with about 9 other men following him to the house.

"Okay Marco we have to get going the jet is waiting for us."

I just slowly nodded and followed to his car.

The drive there was silent until I saw Adonis who looked like he wanted to say something.

"What is it?" I decided to break the ice.

"I know this whole situation is kinda messed up but you seem very out of it. You've been spacing out even before this whole thing went down. Are you alright?"

"Yah I'm alright I'm still a bit seasick from the trip." I was never one to able to lie and this wasn't an exception. My voice basically gave it away, but Adonis either didn't notice or didn't question it.

The rest of the ride was filled with silence and I preferred it that way. The fewer questions being asked the better.

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